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  1. M

    Is Nokia 6700 a 3rd Edition Symbian phone?

    I have no idea what that is, and I don't care. :) I just need a 'yes' or a 'no'. Thanks, Nancy Dee!
  2. M

    Does Anyone Know How To Make "Java Pop"?

    It's a lightly carbonated coffee soda. Some of the ingredients listed on the bottle sound hard to find and not cost effective unless you're making a lot. Does anyone know how to make carbonated coffee? I don't expect it to taste exactly the same. Thanks.
  3. M

    Verizon Has Done It Again!?

    They have some kind of new email gimmick. It's free. I didn't sign up for it(in fact, I told them I didn't want it). But they signed me up for it anyway. Problem is, this new service automatically opens all emails. Who knows what kind of viruses could come in. Plus now the spammers know...