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  1. P

    Does anyone else find it hilarious when creationists talk about Carbon Dating

    rocks/fossils and other...? ...ancient artifacts that are millions of years old, and how those carbon dated rocks prove something. BQ: Do you know what makes that notion laughable?
  2. P

    What are some of the best apps for an android phone?

    Paid and non-paid. Thnx!
  3. P

    Why do atheists care what Religious ppl think? In Georgia a bill being...

    ...introduced makes a miscarriage a felony? A bill being introduced in Georgia will make it so that a woman can be charged with a felony if she has a miscarriage. Additionally, if a doctor were to attempt to save a woman's life, but make no attempt to save the fetus, he will be charged with...
  4. P

    Can you recommend a good on demand Netflicks SCI-FI movie?

    I'm assuming everyone's Netflicks on-demand is the same... What are some good SCI-FI movies on demand right now? What do you like about whichever movie you liked? So far I've enjoyed: Terminator 2 Waterworld Serenity Dune I also saw a couple crappy ones, so that's why I've decided to ask.
  5. P

    Do most religions allow deathbed conversions? Can I do the deathbed conversion...

    ...for multiple religions? If I were to have enough warning about my death, do most of the religions allow me to convert when I'm on my way out? Can I go through a quick conversion for as many as I have breath for? That way, would I have multiple bases covered, or would only the last...
  6. P

    Isn't it funny, some of those that disagree with evolution are sayin...

    ...happy bday to Lincoln instead of Darwin..? ...but Lincoln hated organized religion even more than Darwin did! or at least didn't support it, belonging more to the Deist movement
  7. P

    How come when I hear Christians talk about religion, I want to tear my ears off,...

    ...but other religions...? ...such as Deism, eastern religions, and paganism push me back towards believing in some sort of higher power? I know I sound a little harsh, but I really want to know your thoughts on this, so it is really an honest question. you don't understand...I don't...
  8. P

    If aliens are discovered and none of them have any religion at all like yours...?

    ...would you consider that evidence your religion is false? What if there was an alien religion exactly like a different religion? What if they didn't have religion at all?
  9. P

    Wireless card vs USB card for wireless internet?

    I was planning on getting a card that goes through the USB port so that I can change it back and forth between my laptop and desktop. When I told this to the guy at the computer store, he told me that the USB cards are not near as good as the bigger wireless cards. I suspect that he may have...
  10. P

    Are theaters still packed for The Dark Knight?

    Will a show sell out on a tuesday night? How long do you think it'll be before they're half empty?