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    anybody else lol at the power outage?

    at the super bowl jesus guys
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    Why can't Australia have sports like baseball and American football?

    Please have a look at this----;_ylt=Asg0HCvSS.fjfny8pqghnhkXDX1G;_ylv=3?qid=20101007005715AAwVOdz
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    I'm not religious and religions aren't perfect or a lack of them.Why is

    believing in nothing better than....? Why is believing in nothing better than believing in something? Do you people realize not being religious doesn't make you immune from the possibility of being wrong and that nevertheless Religions use the same reasoning you do for thinking murder, rape...
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    Why do people equate racial rights to gay marraige?

    I would like to see you walk up into the hood and see just how that goes for you. People degrade the racial rights movement by comparing it to gay marraige. Skin color is on the outside! I would like you to walk up to people in the hood and make that analogy. Actually I am not white and have...
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    Why does this happen when...?

    Everytime I buy new headphones, in a matter of weeks or months they break down. No matter what the brand is, they start off disabling one ear then both ears break down altogether. Why does this happen & how can i prevent this ?
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    How should I confront my ex-girlfriend after she spread horrible rumors?

    I was dating a chick, my ex got jealous and told her a lie that i wanted to rape her bestfriend, so she broke up with me, and now i hate my ex even more... i couldn't believe she would say something like that and she still talks to me like its not a big deal... what should i do...
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    When Republicans talk about cutting taxes, and then increase spending, isn't... just a future tax on our ? children
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    DODGE CHARGER 2005 - 2008 vs. NISSAN MAXIMA 2006 - 2009?

    now im ready to trade my car in but i like both so i cant make a decision my girl says to get a maxima but im stuck in the middle, ladys which car would you like to be in and why. i have a feeling all guys would pick a charger over a maxima if not explain i need to make the right dicision...
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    Debates on Religion: Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Bhuddist etc?

    In what ways can we improve religious debates on doctrine and get people together to seek common terms, would participation in sites like these help?