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  1. B

    Has anyone heard of the iphone 4 sending older texts at random?

    I have the iphone 4 and my friends have been telling me that they are getting older texts from our convos...anyone aware how to fix it?
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    Messenger Beta won't show anyone as online?

    I just downloaded the newest Windows Live Beta version, and it won't show any of my contacts as online, even if they are... I've tried re-installing it several times and restarting but it won't fix anything. It's got the right time-zone too, because apparently thats a problem too. I can send...
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    Limewire download, free music?

    If i buy limewire, will all the songs be free!?
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    Limewire download, free music?

    If i buy limewire, will all the songs be free!?
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    I think my dog as a mental dissability...........?

    When ever I come home from school/work my dog is happy as can be barking and wagging his tail. But the second my room mate Jacey walks in, my dog barfs all over the place! I took him to the vet and the vet said my doggy, Teddy, is fine! Healthy as can be! I think my dog is mental! And it's not...
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    If I cancel a line with verizon, do I have to give my phone back to them?

    Within the initial 30 days I have to give the phone back but no early termination?
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    How do I drop a line from a family plan for verizon?

    I want to just drop one line off my family's plan and set up an individual account with at&t. I would also rather buy the phone online and then activate it online. can anyone help?
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    Can I buy a blackberry online after the initial 30 days for verizon without extra

    cost? I want to get a blackberry but I don't want to pay for the data services yet. I know that if I wanted to upgrade after the 30 days I would have to pay the full price for the phone at a retailer. But if I buy it on ebay or something I've heard that they can just swap which phone is...
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    Do enhancers contacts work and how are they used?

    Hi i have dark eyes and i want to bring them out but i don't want contacts i asked one of my friends and they said use enhancers contacts I'm not really sure what they are and i am eager to no
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    I have the rumor phone and i need help putting music on it!

    i have a cord and a memory card already. i got music on it before and then my phone broke so i sent it in and now i don't remember how to put it on. Can someone please help me!