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  1. S

    What boxer achieved the most with the least amount of talent?

    Must be a highly decorated champion or Hall of Fame caliber guy.
  2. S

    Were you surprised how easily Toney was defeated Saturday, I mean MMA

    was basically designed to beat guys? like Toney and other superior strikers? I mean you can make excuses but MMA was designed this way on purpose, for you guys who do not get it. Take a boxer who has absolutely no background in any other aspect of fighting and attack those missing aspects.
  3. S

    Were you surprised how easily Toney was defeated Saturday, I mean MMA

    was basically designed to beat guys? like Toney and other superior strikers? I mean you can make excuses but MMA was designed this way on purpose, for you guys who do not get it. Take a boxer who has absolutely no background in any other aspect of fighting and attack those missing aspects.
  4. S

    I think Roger possibly going to jail is a pretty reasonable excuse, but hasn't...

    ...Sr. trained Floyd before and? isn't Sr. highly respect as a trainer? OK so say Roger does go to jail, (which he probably won't because in this country if you have money you can just pay off the plaintiff and lawyers to drop the case a la Floyd's domestic abuse trial)is he Floyd never going...
  5. S

    Are Carbon Fiber mountain bikes safe?

    Hello, I was considering a new mountain bike--either a trek Remedy, or a Trek Fuel EX. Now, each of these has a version made with a carbon fiber frame--they call it OCLV Red Carbon; their best type. I've heard that carbon fiber on a bike can be bad if you suffer an impact, though it'd be nice...
  6. S

    My red zebra cichild keeps moving quickly in the same spot is this normal?

    he just moves side to side really fast on the same place. is this normal ?