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  1. D

    Conspiracy Theory ? Was he pushed or did he fall ? I'm talking about...

    ...Humpty Dumpty. I have my suspicions that it was a ploy by the King of France to ensure that all the King's Horses and all the King's Men weren't going to be there when they invaded.
  2. D

    The lady next door has invited me to pop round to taste her melons, should I....?

    bring some other fruits and some evap milk for what is obviously a fruit salad party ? yes !!! The Happy Murcia answered my question, that's like getting a thumbs up from the Fonz.
  3. D

    What is the biggest fashion crime you have ever seen ?

    Nothing will ever top pin stripe jeans for me.
  4. D

    I have 4 cats, 3 are siamese and one is half Blue Burmese and her father was...

    ...probably a big black cat, is it? possible that the Siamese gang up on the other because she is not Siamese like them ? It seems to happen a lot.
  5. D

    Violent urges ? I'm serious, on the way into work this morning...?

    there was augy standing on the pavement outside his office smoking, I don't know if it was intentional or not but I had this urge to put the upraised palm of my hand under his chin, push upwards and leave him in the road. Now I feel like strangling my colleague cos he is eating with his mouth...