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  1. T

    My Mom Thinks I'm "Emo"?

    For the past three years or so, all I wear is skinny jeans, jeans, and graphic tees. With the occasional skirt and shorts, of course. Now, I've been wearing graphic tee's and jeans since as long as I can remember, but my moms just freaking out now. I wanted a new haircut, with dye. My mom has...
  2. T

    A fictatious song in "My Life as a Teenage Robot" ?

    My brother and I were watching My Life as a Teenage Robot this morning, the episode "Preschool Dropout" to be exact. In the begining Brad is singing a song made up, I believe, for the show. Excuse my spelling, I think it's called "Miki Momo" I want to know the lyrics, that's my question. I know...
  3. T

    Is Canada In A War Too...?

    I thought they weren't? But I'm watching Degrassi right now, and Sean said they were sending him to Afganistan? I got confused.. I didn't think Canada was in any wars at the moment.