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  1. D

    What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard?

    What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard? Tell me the funniest joke you know and whichever one is funnier gets best answers.
  2. D

    Christian Perspective: Is it wrong for a married couple to use birth control?

    Years ago, in the 50s and 60s, couples would have 8, 9 and sometimes 15 children. These days it is so expensive to take care of a child. I've heard coworkers and women with whom I go to church throw out numbers of $800 to $1000 a month for child care. Plus, you have all kinds of other bills on...
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    If given the opportunity, would you trade places with a celebrity and who would it... Also, why would you trade places with this person?
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    Know how to replace black spinner thing on PS2? Gamestop or Macguyver?

    Black spinner thing with popped off.
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    Do you think lying and gossiping go hand in hand?

    Consider: Whenever a person spreads a rumor or "information", they can't say it exactly how it was said to them. They have to add stuff to it to make it more "interesting." Some people will never admit to this but if you gossip there's a good chance you're a habitual liar as well. I do realize...
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    Do you think the reason people complain a lot is because they are truely...

    ...unhappy with life in general? I have seen people complain about the smallest, pettiest things that most people wouldn't let get to them. Do you think people point out everything wrong because it's makes them feel better? Do you think they are unhappy? All perspectives welcome.
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    What would you think of a coworker who complains to anyone who'll listen?

    Most of the complaining is just petty gossip about other people. Would you trust someone like that?
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    Is there a real difference between "venting frustations" and gossiping and

    complaining? I guess I should say gossiping or complaining. I'm not lumping the two together.
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    Is there a real difference between "venting frustations" and gossiping and

    complaining? I guess I should say gossiping or complaining. I'm not lumping the two together.
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    Do you think life, in general, would be better if most people didn't gossip?

    Does gossip bother you at all? Do you think gossip is interesting? I think people who gossip are bored, cowardly and have nothing better to do. There is a good chance that the gossiper is lying and exaggerating to make themselves feel better. What do you think?