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    Verizon failed texting messaging question?

    im trying to send a text and whenever i attempt to send it to a certain person it fails...! but it will send to other people what is the reasoning behind this! thanks!
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    How much and what equipment would I need to get a mid range car audio setup?

    I drive a 1998 Nissan Altima GLE and want to know what kind of equipment and costs I need to look at for a decent sound setup. All I have is stock audio, and I listen to a lot of electronic music so good bass would be nice. I still would like a nice clear sound to my other music though.
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    This question is for people who read Of Sound Mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    What is Ivy's father's first name in Of Sound Mind? I can't find it in the book.
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    can u breed westies and dalmatians?!?

    when i'm older i really want 2 breed westies and dalmatians, but can u breed them together?? plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts that will live in shelters! i love dogs more than anything and i wouldn't let any go to a shelter or a bad home! :( plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts...
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    can u breed westies and dalmatians?!?

    when i'm older i really want 2 breed westies and dalmatians, but can u breed them together?? plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts that will live in shelters! i love dogs more than anything and i wouldn't let any go to a shelter or a bad home! :( plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts...
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    can u breed westies and dalmatians?!?

    when i'm older i really want 2 breed westies and dalmatians, but can u breed them together?? plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts that will live in shelters! i love dogs more than anything and i wouldn't let any go to a shelter or a bad home! :( plz don't say that they will be ugly mutts...
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    when does season 3 GOSSIP GIRL air?

    It will start airing on September 14, 2009
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    United States of Tara: Snow end credit song?

    I must know what that song is! If any of you have a clue or so much as a lead, please tell me. Thank you!
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    What are some work Abraham Lincoln did to preserve the union?

    nothing about Emancipation Proclimation... any acts he passed? andy thing significant? for the UNION
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    What are some arguments that can be talked about regarding Abraham

    Lincoln's leadership? I need at least 3 most significant ones regarding his regarding leadership achievements during his presidency?
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    watch gossip girl online episode 13 season 1?

    i know there is a site called megavideo that some people use...but i cant find it. a link? other sites are fine too. whatever works =]
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    What kind of puppy would this be? Pic inside!?

    (The picture is not me, btw) I just seen it on the internet.. and I need to know what kind of dog!! It's soo adorable, and I wanna go out and buy one.. If I could only tell what breed it is :) What do you think...
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    How to get a job as one of those travel guides in Travel channel....etc.

    more info below.? I want to be one of those travel guides on TV.. where i travel in different cities around the world and show them on TV..... is there something specific that you call them???? how can i become one?
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    Text tone for lg rumor?

    basically, ive tried everything to get my music as a text tone on my LG rumor, and not just a ringtone, but one that can be set for texts, too. ive been able to get one as a ringer, but it wont allow it to be a "text tone". my internet/network capabilities have been my mom....and...
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    Is Van Pojas from America?

    I heard that his mom is from the states. Is this true? If so, does anyone know what state they resides in? haha
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    Can anyone help me with my internet explorer/firefox not working?

    The only internet that works is Limewire. The rest won't load a page. Will anyone tell me why, and help me fix it? Thanks.
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    Do you think people put bells on their cats just to make them mad?

    think about it Would you really wanna hear that 24/7???? and you wouldn't be able to sneak around or anything!!!!
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    Does Aquarium salt make your tankwater green?

    I have recently added aquarium salt about a week ago into my 23 gallon tank. It looks a bit green now. It's the sea salt where it says on the box "Natural fish tonic..., Promotes disease recovery..... and gill improvement"
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    On Tyra today...the Celebrity Rehab episode?

    Who is the man in the purple shirt and black jacket? His name is JEFF something...
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    has anyone been to see a psychiatrist?

    has anyone her been to see a psychiatrist? what does the first interview intail, what sort of questions do they ask?