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  1. G

    Who do I contact to complain about bank hold?

    My question was put in investing so I am resubmitting. I would like to complain about the 10 day hold on money to open an account.
  2. G

    Would everyone refinancing home loans at neighborhood banks solve the...

    ...foreclosure problem? ? Neighborhood banks don't look at customers as a percent they are concerned about the look of a neighborhood (abandoned homes) they may still use their professional knowledge as a way to prevent homes from going in to foreclosure rather than a way to steal money from...
  3. G

    Could someone tell me where I would find a good news report inluding facts

    on Hurricane Katrina? I just watched the anniversery clips from 60 minutes and it just seem to lack details, dates. It gave the number of dead as over 1000. However the report said this total was just down town New Orleans and possibly just the one hospital.
  4. G

    I do not understand. We declared war on Iraq because of WMD. Iran filmed

    WMD whats the hold up? We have been given visual evidence of WMD by Iran yet we remain in Iraq? I have yet to see a gun in Iraq. If anyone can explain.