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  1. C

    Riddle poem what am I ...?

    I am with you I follow you your footsteps are my footsteps I fade away, in the sometimes but never in the dark I am still there you no I do not talk to you I'm silent and you cannot leave my side what am I ? NO NO NO LOL LOL LOL What Am I You all think it's my SHADOW But it should...
  2. C

    Why does my charger keep slipping out of my mobile phone?

    I've had my samsung galaxy s2 phone for a while now and the charger was staying in the phone perfectly well until the other day it started slipping out of the phone i've tried all of my chargers as i have three chargers for galaxy s2 but either of them work they slip out. Any suggestions?
  3. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  4. C

    Any weird or random comments?

    I've had a few things said to me whilst out riding some odd and quite random and some offensive... usually some sad male asking me if I'd ride him like that or could he be my saddle... I'm sure other riders have had similar experiences :) I had an old man ask me the other day if the Indians...
  5. C

    Does anyone know this (lebanese) dish?

    My lebanese neighbour once showed me this dish but I don't know the name. All it involves is brown lentils, salt, pepper and water. She also sometimes added diced potato. There may have been oil in it. It was the consistency of a stew and tasted delicious! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. C

    what are Interests? what are your Interests?

    what are Interests? what are you Interests?
  7. C

    cooking equiment for the kitchen,?

    baisc kitchen equiment things you cannot cook with out?
  8. C

    What is emotional sickness?

    I think i may have emotional sickness i feel sick nearly everyday they only last a few minutes. What causes them?
  9. C

    can you run across water with lounge chairs?

    Can somebody test whether or not you can run across water on top of plastic lounge chairs? Think its possible?
  10. C

    why dont thumbs up on google work!!?

    why dont thumbs up on google work? how can i get it working again? thanks
  11. C

    need some ideas on how to cook baramundi?

    Hey everyone, just looking for some yummy ideas on how to cook some baramundi i bought. Just something nice and simple will do, and maybe some suggestions on what to serve it with on the side. Thanks!
  12. C

    need some ideas on how to cook baramundi?

    Hey everyone, just looking for some yummy ideas on how to cook some baramundi i bought. Just something nice and simple will do, and maybe some suggestions on what to serve it with on the side. Thanks!
  13. C

    samsung phone s8000 ???? i seen the phone in store adn i love it,?

    Does anybody have a samsung phone? samsung phone s8000 jet phone???? how do i take the back cover off the phone it slef thank you,
  14. C

    samsung phone s8000 ???? i seen the phone in store adn i love it,?

    Does anybody have a samsung phone? samsung phone s8000 jet phone???? how do i take the back cover off the phone it slef thank you,
  15. C

    how can i unlock my new samsung g600 with damaging or changing it?

    Hi guys, there are many codes out there that say that they can unlock the samsung g600 without a clip and do not change your im address, what is a safe and reliable code that i can unlock my samsung with?
  16. C

    did eat badly today???

    breakfast- 1 muller light yohurt and a apple snack- biscuits lunch- 1 slice of bread and jam and a banana snack- oats and honey dinner- a piece of fruit
  17. C

    how tall do you think i will be?

    i'm 15, female and 5'8 my mum is also 5'8 and my dad is 6 foot? do you think this is too tall for my age as well? and when will i stop growing?
  18. C

    bmi of 15.5 unhealthy?

    what are the risks o having this bmi and is it unhealthy underweight or just slightly underweight? dont get rude, thanks to all answers :)
  19. C

    how long can you leave soaked sugarbeat for?

    how long can you leave soaked sugarbeat for before its bad for the horse to be fed it? my friends says you have to soak it for its 24 hours then feed it because it ferments(?) but my old stables used to soak a whole bag in one giant tub and use that for the whole week. how long should you...
  20. C

    Pattern For A knitted Vw Camper Van?

    Hi, With The Recession Me & The Bloke Are A But Skint So As Its His Birthday Coming Up I Thought About Getting My Gran To Knit Him a Vw Camper Van As I Know He'd Absolutely Love It! Any Ideas Where I Could Find The Pattern For One? Thanks x