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  1. H

    Does Tri-Delta sorority ever partner up with black fraternities for meet & greets?

    Does Tri-Delta sorority ever partner up with black fraternities for meet & greets? A buddy and I would like to set something up.
  2. H

    Do mid class Americans still think rich people like them?

    At least poor people know they aren't liked by the wealthy why do so many people in the middle class not get that the rich don't like you because they don't respect you?
  3. H

    How many of you realize this is the end of American style capitalism?

    We are going tp have to adapt to new systems just like all the othr countries who have existed for hundreds and even thousands of years. History... aint it cool, no matter how great you are no one ever escapes it. That's deep.
  4. H

    If Bush was Mexican, would he be the guy on the Bike selling ice cream samiches?

    You know the guy on the tricycle, with the ice cream cart on the back of his bike and the extra wide handle bars, riding slowly through the neighborhood ringing his bell. "Hola, Ice cream, yo tango ice cream for los ninos." Ohhh lighten up Styrofoam. I'm half Domican, so I'm entitled.
  5. H

    So when will we bail out Ford?

    You know that's coming next. Man, don't you love this American capitalism thingy. Especially how these corporations pull themselves up by the boot straps and compete in this new global market.
  6. H

    Does my wife have a right to complain about my sexual hangups?

    We have a great sex life but my wife's problem is it's always doggy style. I love doggy style and sometimes I can't even get excited unless it's doggy style. My wife is always complaining about how she never gets to see my face but I'm like what difference does it make we are married so you know...
  7. H

    Why are you women always whining about not being able to find a good man?

    Define a good man ladies? my opinion there is no such thing. Human beings are always going to dissapoint you. Just when you ladies think you have the perfect man, you find out he's doing something youdon't approve of. And the man is only as good as yesterday, because tomorrow brings all the...
  8. H

    Were you upset at the rape scene in High Plains Drifter?

    The way Clint Eastwood's character dragged that lady into the bar and had his way with her or were you more disgusted at the fact that no one did anything to stop it?