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  1. T

    How much does a fishing trip to canada (or alaska) cost?

    ok so me and my friends want to go, but i don't know how much i should get saved up for. so i need to know the following. How much would it be for like everything. the flight, the cabin, the gear and etc. i need to know prices for both canada and alaska. if i go to canada i want a lake with big...
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    What are some major BMW innovations?

    What are some things that BMW has invented? I would prefer things invented recently, not decades ago.
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    What about the Lexus IS Line? IS-F?

    What do you think is the best looking vehicle out of the Lexus IS line? IS-F, Lexus' new Performance car. IS350C, The new IS Convertible. IS350, Regular IS sedan. Just tell me which one you think is better looking and why? What colour do you like best...
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    Which Of These CELEBRITY...........?

    quotes will most likely NEVER EVER happen?? Angelina Jolie: '' adopt a kid from where, you crazy? '' Marilyn Manson: '' lets take in the ballet before we go too church. '' Judge Judy: '' thank you Mr. Hefner, i would love to pose for your magazine .'' 50 Cent: '' take out those lyrics, a...
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    Which Of These CELEBRITY.........?

    will most likely NEVER EVER happen?? 'Lindsey Lohan: '' splitting the atom, now gimme something hard to do. '' Tila Tequila: '' i am very proud of my virginity. '' Bill Clinton: '' do what with the cigar, eeww gross. '' 50 Cent: '' i am honored to be the KKK's man of the year. '' Michelle...
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    Does anyone know how much people at GM, Ford, Honda , Toyota are paid per

    hour for working on the line. ? I would like an hourly wage comparison, plus benefit comparison. Also, doe's anyone know how much each companies CEO is paid. No guesses please.
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    What could be causing the pain in my knee?

    So I have a doctors appointment in a few days, just wanted some ideas on what migh be going on until then.... I have been experiencing a sharp stabbing pain in my right knee, to the side, when I turn even slightly and when I walk. The pain is shoting then a dull throbb down my calf and up my...
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    Favourite quotes about religion...?

    I know people are going to take this as bait, but it isn't supposed to be. I enjoy pondering quotes past and present, and I have been looking at a few in relation to religion. I wondered if anyone else had favourite quotes, from a religious or non-religious perspective, about faith, God...