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  1. M

    Nokia lumia 520 va? game online?

    Xin ho?i "dê?" lumia 520 co? ch?i ????c phong thâ?n hay webgame gunny 2 online ????c không va? gi??a "dê?" na?y va? con i9 cu?a viettel "dê?" na?o tô?t h?n thê??
  2. M

    I wan a different movie?

    I am looking for a good love story that has an air of magic to it. Something that makes you feel enchanted at the end.
  3. M

    can you teach your cat karate?

    I was wondering if I could teach my cat karate what do you think?
  4. M

    This is fun. Internet creativity game.?
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    Where do Japanese Celebrities live?

    Japan isn't that big in the first place, especially with all the people. And Tokyo, the most talked about place in the world is extremely crowded. My grandparents live in a small city, Mitaka in Tokyo. I'm just wondering, where do Japan's celebrities live? Surely, the average Japanese person...
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    Random Celeb Questions...?

    1. Is Miley going out with someone and who? 2. What jonas brother do you like better? 3. How old is Selena Gomez? 4. How old is Demi Lavoto?
  7. M

    dog chases cat off my bed...?

    Hi, got a question concerning the family dog and my cat... My bedroom is 100% my cat's territory. She sleeps with me every night, but I keep my door open so she can run around and do cat things (and litterbox is downstairs) and also have the option of visiting with me. The problem is that...