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  1. M

    how to play mini DVD-R disk on computer?

    i used a videocamera to record a video that i can't figure out how to watch! and it's really upsetting to have this whole video on my mini dvd-r and i don't know how to play it on the computer! the computer doesn't even recognize it. help me pleaseee.
  2. M

    what time does seating start for american idol? what time should i be at the... center for the show? my dad says that seating starts at 1:30 but i still have to go to school. i seriously wanna go really bad i read somewhere else it starts an hour before the show. i needa know if i can still make it. its tomoro so please help!
  3. M

    what exactly dus a typical wango tango concert look like? (at verizon

    amphitheater: irvine)? this is my first time at wango tango much less the verizon amphitheater. so are there chairs? is the audience just a bunch of ppl standing or is it like a movie theater? like a sports game? i needa know what to bring like a lawn chair or somthing to be preparedd
  4. M

    Any advice on new good texting verizon phones?

    im getting a new phone from verizon and i dont know which phone to get, specifically im looking for a good NEW and good for TEXTING phone. im really lookn for the texting phones. help! advice!
  5. M

    what celebrity do i look most like?& 1-10?

    just a random question im curious about. or u can rate me 1-10 picture:
  6. M

    What are your thoughts on this (part 9)?

    Support Working Families Provide a "Making Work Pay" Tax Cut for America's Working Families: Obama will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. Obama will create a new "Making Work Pay" tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working...
  7. M

    lookin 4 a good vacation spot?

    any where around the north east coats of the u.s. please. not enough money to fly or drive far : [