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  1. H

    Where can I find Morgan Rae Publishing greeting cards?

    I am wanting to find the tiny greeting cards from Morgan Rae Publishing, either for sale online or in a store somewhere. I found them on ebay but for too high a price, and at kijiti or something like that for a decent price but still want to know if I can find them at a store somewhere or...
  2. H

    Is this the guy for me or what does this mean? DREAM Experts PLEASE HELP! :)?

    I had a dream last week that I was with a guy and his Family and friends and we were out I think it was a carnival that we were attending. But I remember seeing his face and knowing that I was in a relationship from how we were interactiing. That dream doesnt have many other details but it was...
  3. H

    HELP! can ovarian cysts cause pain only when I move?

    or is it something else? I have been to my regular doc and my ob/gyn, ultrasound showed small cysts on both ovaries - both agreed they were too small to cause pain, but from the time I ovulate till I get my period I have pain in that area, but only when I move! such as sitting or sometimes...
  4. H

    will severe delusions from crack use be permanent?

    he didnt do any kind of cocaine or crack for about a year and then all of a sudden, one week he sniffed cocaine 3 days. got a little paranoid one of the nights, but nothing serious. then the next week he smoked crack 3 days in a row and starting the second night he started having severe...
  5. H

    how long do the effects of 1 dose of suboxone last?

    im took my last percocet sunday, started suboxone monday(4mg) then tuesday early afternoon (8mg) and wednesday i felt good except for some anxiety so i took 4mg at 5pm i feel fine really. basically, i wanna know if its because i havent taken pills in a few days that i feel good or if the...
  6. H

    i am thinking of going to the doctors about my eating disorder and depression?

    i am trying to be positive about things, but its gotten so out of hand. i just feel so depressed, now i get through the days to lose weight, and that's become my only motivation. anything else is trivial and doesnt really matter. i have had an eating disorder for 1 year and 4 months now,, and i...
  7. H

    is it okay to have an indian take away as a one off?

    if i have a veggie curry and some rice will my weight suffer that much? im trying to maintain, not lose, but i find it hard because im underweight. aside from that takeaway ive only had 200 cal today..please tell me its ok and i wont gain a shiton.. and if i have a good day tomorrow and the next...
  8. H

    how much weight do you usually gain on your period?

    im up 3lbs from when i last weighed.. how much of this do you suppose is water weight/bloat from being on my period?
  9. H

    cycling on road, fairly fast, on a racer bike...?

    approximately what speeds would this range from? in miles per hour? i know this can only be an approximation
  10. H

    I need Help with a verizon yahoo account !?

    I have a verizon yahoo account and i want to make another one (to change the name.) But when i try to sign up the only option it gives me is to create a regular yahoo account. So my question is, How can i make a new VERIZON YAHOO account? Thanks in advance!
  11. H

    help, holiday, weight gain?

    i'm anorexic. i'm going to italy for 2 weeks with my family on thursday. i'm going to be watched constantly and have to eat what everyone else is eating. i'm not going to ask for tips for avoiding food because no-ones going to give me any and it's near impossible in this situation. i'm so scared...
  12. H

    help me eat something?!?

    ive been fasting and i really need to eat. i know im close to passing out at this point and ive got a load of things i need to do today, but i'm too weak. also i would like to see my boyfriend later, and drink, but i know that will have me next to the toilet hurling. i go on holiday on thursday...
  13. H

    i need a poem for my drug addicted sister -in -law?

    she is having a hard time with a drug addiction, and i want to send her a poem so she knows im here, but i cant find any good ones and im not good at writing them. she is addicted to pills and has a little girl who is a toddler. thanks for your help!
  14. H

    can i buy oyzo in the uk?

    in supermarkets such as tesco, or off licenses/cornershops? and how much will a large bottle cost me, under 20 quid? thanks