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  1. B

    Brock Lesnar to fight Jonas Brothers in next UFC bout?

    Yeah...i just want to see those three get pummeled...or is it four?
  2. B

    Can you recommend a Harley for me?

    I'm 43, never been a motorcycle rider before. I'm going to do it right, and take a riding class. I've been looking at used Harleys, and I've gotten some conflicting advice. One person told me to look at Sportsters, saying they were manueverable and a good startet bike, others have said due to...
  3. B

    Do you know any leftists who refuse to shop at Wal Mart but then whine

    about making ends meet? Have you met any of these people? Wal Mart, the best cure for poverty, is deemed evil by the annointed left. So you have the ridiculous situation where a hippy dippy leftist spends much more at another store do their financial detriment, then whines about how hard it is...
  4. B

    If Jehovah's Witnesses & LDS are such great religions, why do its followers...

    ...bother people to join? If it's so great, wouldn't it simply sell itself? Is it really necessary to bother people who are minding their own business in their own homes? I can tell you with absolute certainty I have never been bothered at my home by Buddhists, Amish and even christians...