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  1. M

    how can I talk to my boyfriend about this i don't want to argue?

    My boyfriend & i talked about having an account together &we've only been together for 5months!.anyways Ive lied to him so many times about giving him half of my check to put in the bank,&I've never kept my word to do it& we jus keep arguing b/c one minute I say this&the next minute it's...
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    vacation in paris advice/help?

    My husband and I are planning on taking a late honeymoon to Paris, France at the end of Oct 2012. We plan on renting a vacation rental apartment. We are staying one week. Does anybody have any advice on where to go? Where to eat? How much money should we bring minimum? Thanks in advance!
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    How do I cook ribs in the oven?

    I have 5lbs of beef back ribs, I don't have a grill but my oven has the option to bake or broil. I also have a crock pot. I'm not sure where to cook these or for how long. Do I put seasoning on the before adding the sauce? thanks so muc
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    Does a dog feel pain when it's owner beats it with bungee cord or hands?

    Someone told me today (which I totally disagree) that if a dog (specifically, a Lab) doesn't feel pain if the owner beats it! I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS! Does someone have expertise in animal feelings!? Was told that the only place they feel pain is when their ears are pulled!
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    Jeep Grand Cherokee Check Engine Light?

    My 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee was out of commission for about a month because it wouldn't start. I had it towed to the dealership, and got it fixed 3 days ago. They replaced the CAM Sensor and the CAM Drive. Don't ask me what those things are, I have no idea how cars work. They told me I had...
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    Can you take a drivers test in a rental car?

    My husbands car is getting fixed and we will have a rental for a week or so. My test in in a few days, can I take it in the rental? I'm in Pennsylvania
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    1st birthday party foods recipes and ideas please?

    my son's first birthday is coming up and i'm trying to plan the menu :) we're having approx 20 close friends and family that our son is very familiar with. And only one child (who is 6yrs old) all the other guests are adults. we are having the party at an outdoor venue with no heating or...
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    My tailbone hurts really bad, what is wrong?

    My tailbone hurts really bad when I sit for a long time stabbing pain it hurts really bad. It is usually if Im in a car for more than 1/2 an hour or so. Sometimes it goes to my lower back like by my kidneys. It hurts so bad sometimes even if I talk too loud it makes it worse. I didn't hurt...
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    should 14 year old girls shave their private areas?

    should they? why or why not? Wat about bras? should we wear them to bed ? How do we tell our mom when we need or want a new bra?
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    Guy with cell phone in my yard?

    Earlier this evening (around 5) my dog started barking and I looked to see a car parked in the street and the passenger (a boy who looked about 19) was standing in my yard holding his cell phone up. At first I thought he was looking for a signal, but then when he saw me, look out the window he...
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    Is Aaron Rodgers Gay?

    He met his boyfriend in a Green Bay Bar, now they live together, and Rodgers even got his Lover a job working for the Pack. Anyone else know anything?
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    how do i transfer music from my computer to my LG voyager phone..please HELP!?

    can someone please help me ive asked this question but nobody seems to want to help me. it will be really helpful if you could just give me steps using either limewire, itunes, windows media player, or vcast music manager because i have all of them i just dont know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME...
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    A young hen dying. She has 2 week old chicks. Any ideas?

    She was an egg layer and he found her dead in the yard. The yard is covered with fence. The chicks were fine & so was the rooster. No damage to the hens body. Should she be checked for bird flu? Can weasels get thru a fence?? Thanks!
  14. M

    I am so over ET and Access Hollywood. There is not a great difference from the

    tabloids to me.? what do you think?