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  1. M

    What are some reasons Boxing match generates more money than MMA?

    It seems like I see more MMA fans but somehow Boxing generate more money than MMA (a lot more) What are the reasons for that? Go Pacman!
  2. M

    For those who know/study Shorinji Kempo?

    How different is it from Karate? Now I'm not saying which 1 is better but what separates the 2 beside the name? It is like comparing boxing to kick boxing, both are sports but 1 is more complete than the other. (Though it doesn't mean kick boxing is better than boxing, just more 'complete' as it...
  3. M

    I am looking to get a smartphone. I have been swinging between the iphone 4 and an

    HTC model.? I realise there are pros and cons to both BUT my only real requirement is itunes compatability. I also hear that Android is a much more user friendly system to the Apples, is this really true? I also hear that an HTC is simply a better product all round. I really prefer the looks to...
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    What kind of impact will Toyota have on NASCAR this season?(details)?

    Will the fans support the new teams? Will Toyota have a decent season or will they struggle? Thoughts/opinions?
  5. M

    Have you been to Tallin, Estonia and/or Klaipeda, Lithuania on a cruise? I... trying to...? ...find out if credit cards are... ...generally accepted there? Most specifically in taxis.
  6. M

    This country was founded on god, we must have forgotten about him, which is why

    we allow gay marriage? Okay, so this isn't much of a question, but to any of the ignorant people out there who actually stand by my above statment "This country was founded on god, we must have forgotten about him, which is why we allow gay marriage" This country was also founded by people who...
  7. M

    Against gay marriage and homosexuality in general?

    Watch this video. It brings up every point on why homosexuality is wrong:
  8. M

    what phone well receive the best?I have Verizon phone service?

    better phone gets more bars than mine,I only use my phone to call no extras
  9. M

    what phone well receive the best?I have Verizon phone service?

    better phone gets more bars than mine,I only use my phone to call no extras
  10. M

    what phone well receive the best?I have Verizon phone service?

    better phone gets more bars than mine,I only use my phone to call no extras
  11. M

    What's that one website called...on it's commercial it says something about

    "because we're aliens"? The first time they gave it was during the superbowl...and at the end of it, the guy says "because we're aliens" or something like that...and a tentacle comes out of his suit. Can anyone help?
  12. M

    I'm looking for an underground rap song...some of the lyrics go:?

    "I used to fly" and "A cowboy's work is never done"...That's all I can really remember, and that was like only the back kinda part, not part of the rap...I just heard it on the radio about 10 minutes ago, and I'm just wondering who it was by and the name of it...
  13. M

    can someone help me put cfw on my psp?

    i have a pandora battery but i cant make the magic memory stick. i installed despertar del cementerio but when i try to use it on my psp it just says the data is corrupted. My psp is a blue psp 2001.Heeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllppppppppp!!!!!!!!
  14. M

    How can a blind person tell what sexuality they are?

    Or is sexuality based on more than just physical attraction? Is it based more on the mental attraction of men and women? But what about "feminine" guys that act more like girls according to society. Would that mean that a straight man can be mentally attracted to him?
  15. M

    Why is rabbit punching (a strike to the back of the head) considered too...

    ...dangerous to be legal in combat sport I always thought it was because it is too easy to K.O an opponent this way and that there was an increased risk of brain injury, my friend insists that it is because the head can be detatched from the spine and paralysis can ocur, what is the actual reason?
  16. M

    Is anyone having trouble getting upper channels on FiOs TV?

    The upper channels like History and NGEO etc. will say "Currently Unavailable'. If I change channels several times and come back, it will finally come on. This only happens on the HM DVR box not on the standard box. Tech Support say they are having problems with the signals on the DVR boxes and...
  17. M

    Why do my parents have to judge me like if I'm like every other teen, meanwhile...?

    ...I'm way more mature and more intelligent then most other teenagers. I'm not being conceited or anything, but to be honest with my parents really don't treat me at my maturity level. I have all honors classes in school, I do sports and extracurriculars, I have really good friends, straight A...
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    I came out to my friends that I'm bisexual about a week ago and...? one of friends that I've known for 8 years has been acting different around me. He always gets kind of quiet but my other friends say that he acts like his normal self around them but then he just gets quiet and kind of tries to avoid long conversations when I'm around...he still does...
  19. M

    How should I deal with a family member who complains about every tiny thing...

    ...and makes little arguments...? ...about basically the smallest things? It's my sister. Yeah, of course I love her, but she always has to complain about me doing something wrong or if I make a mistake, like if I'm so perfect. Meanwhile, if it was my brother who made a mistake or something, she...
  20. M

    Why is rabbit punching (a strike to the back of the head) considered too

    dangerous to be legal in combat sport I always thought it was because it is too easy to K.O an opponent this way and that there was an increased risk of brain injury, my friend insists that it is because the head can be detatched from the spine and paralysis can ocur, what is the actual reason?