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  1. M

    Good Name For A Character?

    So I'm writing a story about a boy who's girlfriend gets unexpectedly pregnant. I have her name but the name I designated for him is also the name of one of my friends who probably would get very weirded out if I named the character the same as him so I need a name for him. I've been writing it...
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    How long should a couple date before discussing marriage?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating a little over a year, and we have been living together for 4 months. We haven't really discussed marriage yet, but I would like to. How long should I wait before bringing it up?
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    What format do I need to play videos on my Samsung GT-B3410?

    I can play 3GP but the thing is I can only use AVS Video Converter.I used a lot of other different converters but they just don't show up in my video lists for some reason even though they're there.The bad hing about AVS is that it's really small and I don't want to pay for eat so there is a...
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    Possible iPhone headphone jack obstruction?

    The controls on my headphones won't work with my phone anymore and further more there isn't that "click" that you get when you plug them in all the way. The headphones work on my iPod so that's not the problem. I'm not sure but I think there's some dirt or lint in there. I'll try getting a...
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    My Samsung Vibrant shuts off every time i connect it to the Charger.?

    My Samsung Vibrant shuts off every time i connect it to the Charger. Why does this happen and what can i do to make it stop. I would really appreciate any advice. thanks
  6. M

    My Samsung Vibrant shuts off everytime i connect it to the charger.?

    My Samsung Vibrant shuts off every time i connect it to the Charger. Why does this happen and what can i do to make it stop. I would really appreciate any advice. thanks
  7. M

    What Do Dreams Mean?

    I was just wondering, if you had a dream where someone kissed you or asked you out does it mean that you want them to do that?
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    if a guy really likes a girl, but doesn't want a relationship, how would he react?

    a guy is young (like 18) and still real wants to play the field, and hook up with different girls and explore his options. the thing is, he really started to develop feelings for one of his friends who he has known for like a year. unlike many of the girls he has been attracted to, he has never...
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    I want to try lesbian sex but I don't know who with?

    Im 12 years old and I'm pretty certain that I'm a lesbian, apart from the fact that I've never been with another woman. I want to try lesbian sex with someone in my area but I don't know any lesbians. Are there any lesbians in my area that wouldn't mind showing me what lesbian sex is like? I...
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    How can i meet guys and get a boyfriend?? im nearly 16 and never been in a...

    ...relationship :(? ok so i fell in love my my best guy friend, but now he has a girlfriend and i dont know how to cope, all of my friends have had boyfriends and had their first kiss except me. and i cant exactly meet guys when i go out with my family, and if i was on my own i couldnt just go...
  11. M

    How can i meet guys and get a boyfriend?? im nearly 16 and never been in a...

    ...relationship :(? ok so i fell in love my my best guy friend, but now he has a girlfriend and i dont know how to cope, all of my friends have had boyfriends and had their first kiss except me. and i cant exactly meet guys when i go out with my family, and if i was on my own i couldnt just go...
  12. M

    How can i meet guys and get a boyfriend?? im nearly 16 and never been in a...

    ...relationship :(? ok so i fell in love my my best guy friend, but now he has a girlfriend and i dont know how to cope, all of my friends have had boyfriends and had their first kiss except me. and i cant exactly meet guys when i go out with my family, and if i was on my own i couldnt just go...
  13. M

    Are pisces into PDA??????

    or are they SUPER private? If they were with someone they like within a group of people, would they act a certain way towards that person which would clearly distinguish that they like them??? or would they play it cool and just act friendly like they do to anyone else? would they kiss someone...
  14. M

    Are pisces into PDA??????

    or are they SUPER private? If they were with someone they like within a group of people, would they act a certain way towards that person which would clearly distinguish that they like them??? or would they play it cool and just act friendly like they do to anyone else? would they kiss someone...
  15. M

    How can i achieve my dream and become a famous fashion designer?

    i know it sounds unrealistic and far fetched but im willing to work for it. ok at the moment im 15, live london doing my gcse exams. i know how to sew and im taking art for a -levels. basically i just want any tips on achieving my dream? or how i can get there?
  16. M

    Should I buy an 16gb 3Gs iPhone or save for a car?

    I've always wanted an iPhone (the phone I have now is about to die) and I've had a job for a while now and have about $1000 saved up. But my parents want me to save for a car when I probably wont get my Ps for about a year. so I was just wanting peoples' opinions that's all :)
  17. M

    Should I buy an 16gb 3Gs iPhone or save for a car?

    I've always wanted an iPhone (the phone I have now is about to die) and I've had a job for a while now and have about $1000 saved up. But my parents want me to save for a car when I probably wont get my Ps for about a year. so I was just wanting peoples' opinions that's all :)
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    Poll: What state are you from?

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    Help! Now!!! I really need you guys on yahoo! Please help?

    I was wondering how much money i should take today on the X Factor Tour at Wembley 2:30 and how much the stuff is. Also is there any way i can get Lloyd Daniels to sign my x factor annual or t-shirt??? Thanks xxx
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    I cant talk to my mom about anything????? help... embarrassing?

    we dont talk about anything embarresing, like periods and stuff. i i really am starting to need a bra but i dont know how to ask as shes not approachable...? when she starts talking about anything she just shys away. i feel so alone how can i talk to her about more thing so she will listen and...