Search results

  1. M

    Xtians: if slavery was re-introduced to the US, would you own a slave?

    Why or why not? Thanks in advance.
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    Pro-death penalty Xtians: If the government re-introduced stoning, would you...

    ...participate? ;...why or why not? Thanks in advance.
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    Are there really people who think that the R&S section should be devoid of humour?

    Are there really people who think that the R&S section should be devoid of humour? If so, why? Thanks in advance.
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    Nintendo DS Waterhorse: Legend of the Deep game - How do you feed Crusoe? - HELP!!!!?

    My 9yo son is having fits over his new DS game - Waterhorse: Legend of the Deep. I have even checked the instructions (not that they seem to give you very much information) and they are no help. He has just started playing the first level and needs to know how on earth you feed Crusoe, and...
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    Exactly how is asking about the literacy of Christ's Disciples

    "insulting and antagonitic"? Just out of curiosity. Thanks in advance.
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    Atheists: Does it ever bother you?

    That many of the atheist organizations out there (like Rational Response Squad for instance) seem to be made up largely of shrill, obnoxious jerks? Do you ever wish that some of these groups would stop "helping"? Thanks in advance.
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    Five Bells by Kenneth

    Could anyone help me understand Five Bells by Slessor? I've read it a couple of times and can barely understand what is going on.
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    question about GH???????????????????

    it seems everytime i go on vacation the gh (total hardness) goes haywire in my aquarium. it is usually around 50 normally but when i come back my fish are all sluggish so i check the parameters and the hardness is always around 150. what could be causing these spikes and what can i do to manage...
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    im scared and confused please listen to my whine thanks for reading x?

    I've met this girl and we have hit it off straight away but i do not know how i feel about her ... i want to know were i stand with her ... relationship wise she says that she does not know we joke and flirt we had this thing with some sweets and our mate found out and she that "we were like...
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    Are there any literary pub crawls that run mid-week (specifically Tuesdays)... Edinburgh in December? My husband and I have made plans with another couple to visit Edinburgh for one night in December. One of the things we were interested in doing was a literary pub crawl, but all of the sites I have visited for information either do not run tours during the winter...
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    Does anyone on here know why such screaming colors were used in the movie ,

    Nanny McPhee? I forgot, it really is a child's movie. I like English Nanny movies ever since Mary Poppins. The birds in her room towards the end reminded me of "Feed the Birds"You don't have to worry who will get killed,or when a slasher is going to jump out of the closet, it's cute, nice and...
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    What do u think about gossip mongers that hide behind the anonymity of the Internet?

    First there were pictures of Obama with a turban on and now people have suggested that Sarah Palin's relatively young son is actually her daughter's. I know nothing about either of these things, but would like to know what you think?????
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    Where can i get a carburetta for a 1978 toyota hiace 1.6 petrol .?

    I have a small camper van and the fuel cut off solenoid in the carburetta has stopped working and it wont idle. Can anyone help?
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    does anybody know anything about silver dollar fish??

    ok i am getting a new tank soon (not sure what size yet) and i have kept all kinds of fish before but never silver dollars and i have always thought they were so neat can anyone give me info on their care and water parameters? (the only thing i know about them right now is that they are...
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    lower and mid-level fish?

    ok so what would be a good tropical freshwater fish that would get along with my zebra danios that stays in the lower and mid levels of the tank?