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  1. W

    Girlfriend refuses to cook for me but willingly cooks for a party?

    Sometimes i'm home really late and i jokingly ask her if she would like to cook something for me to eat. I don't really expect her to cook anything for me cause she doesn't like to cook, so i usually just cook it myself. But the thing is, she has this party coming up and she is willingly and...
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    INTERNET relationship for 5 years????please help? should we meet?

    we live so far away from each other... it hurts, we spend all the time together, sleeping with the headset on...talking on 3g everywhere tell everything to each other... i love him, but still shoud i trust him and let him visit me...please help
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    does anyone know the bluetooth passkey for asus eee pc 901?

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    what TRIGGERS the nicotine craving?

    as far as i know, the things that trigger these are... - long period of time (at least over an hour or so) - after a meal (the bigger meal the more the craving) - after eating something bitter, spicy, or anything meat-like - caffeine - sex - seeing youre peers smoking, or anything that reminds...
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    do you have any movie suggestions?

    anything interesting or quirky in the mood for something a little alternate, maybe like eternal sunshine of the spotless mind or everything is illuminated; love anything though my favorite movies range from the graduate to ferris beuller....oh and im dying to see that new arthouse: 500 days of...
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    Do you think, or is it wrong for gay/lesbian couple to raise a child as a

    gay/lesbian parents? im not asking if homosexuallity is wrong im asking if its wrong for them to raise a child imagain the bullying the kid would go through, like especially having a mum and a mum or a dad and a dad instead of a mum and a dad
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    Beyonce Pregnant Rumors Become abit Ridiculous?

    Rumors have been spread that beyonce is pregnant right? that's why they had their supposedly "shotgun wedding" its been 9 moths since they were married (April 4) i think if she was pregnant when she got married the baby would be born now. but oh wait! there isn't...she hasn't even go a baby...
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    sudden problems with the internet?

    ok i dunno if its the website or just my computer but when i go on i used to be able to click "listen" to the countdown and it comes up showing the songs and i can see what song are coming 1st 2nd 3rd or what, but now when i click it nothing opens i was just wondering if...
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    how to 'accidentally' tell someone you like them as more than a friend?

    im usually not a game player, but its really complicated and i would prefer if anybody didn't say..just be honest and tell them because i wont lie to them, but too much has happened for me to flat out tell them. this may sound confusing but any method of accidently telling him would be amazing?
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    When Mom and Dad disagree on church...?

    I didn't post this in the Religion and Sprituality section because I don't want a debate over which denomination is "right", or an attack for being Christian in general.... Here's the situation: I grew up Episcopalian and have a pretty NON fundamental approach to church. My husband grew up...
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    will my UK sony ericsson k750i work abroad?

    Hello everyone, im after your expertise! I am travelling to Poland, Czech Rup,Austria,Hungry and Croatia this summer, and was wondering if my old sony ericsson 750i will work over there? I dont get the whole dual band/tri band thing- so your help would be much appreciated! thanks in advance...
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    What should i wear for my graduation?

    Ok my graduation isn't a formal party ie you don't wear tux's or dresses but its a fancy dress party, for year 10 Can you give any ideas for any costumes? i want to dress up as something that will be unique and funny like last year, someone dressed up as the KFC guy Cornell sanders and brought...
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    Please help me understand the the traffic rule???

    The intersection between a divided major highway (two lanes each direction) and a minor highway (one lane each direction). No traffic lights but the minor highway has a stop sign. 1. If I want to turn left from the major onto the minor, whom should I give way to? 2. As above, but turning right...
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    Having a learner's permit and need a driver beside me at all times?

    Well, how the heck can I have a driver beside me if I live alone and have no friends?
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    how do i convrt wav. to MP3 on a mac?

    Hi, I have a new phone and have some sound clips id like to put on it. However, when i send them to the phone via bluetooth on my mac, it cant play the file? it says 'canot play this sound'. I think it needs to be an MP3 as the other sound files already on there have an MP3 icon next to them...
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    i moved countries with my family 5 months ago...i used to be relaly posituve, productive had strong opinions and i loved doing things and school. i just soent an entire long weekend ( days) without evaing my house because i physically flet like i couldnt. i slept until 1/2 pm every day and did...