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  1. S

    who are these four famous people?

    i am totally stumped please help
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    Why no oil pressure from a Ford 302 on cold days?

    I start my truck (Merc Mountaineer) on cold days and the oil pressure gauge doesn't come up for a few minutes. There is oil in the pan. After a few minutes the gauge needle comes up and everything is fine. What's causing this?
  3. S

    how do i set up fta satellite to recieve foreign channels?

    i have a free to air satellite and would like to know if it is possible to get european channels from spain,germany etc? will i have to tune it in and look satellites?
  4. S

    Who would be your choice for the greatest player ever in team sports?

    I know it's hard to compare different sports, but there are players who stand out as being the greatest in their sport: Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux, Derek Jeter, Albert Pujols, Walter Payton, Ichiro Suzuki, Kevin Youkilis all come to mind. Who would you pick as the greatest of...
  5. S

    I'm against the expressions be optimistic and think positive because it

    precludes having a sense of humor.? Optimism or positive thinking requires a person to be insanely upbeat to the point of not even allowing negative thoughts to enter their mind. There's no way anyone can be an unbridled optimist and have a sense of humor because humor is based on human frailty...
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    are there any mountain bike/cycling video games?

    can anyone tell me what mountain bike video games are available to buy? i have, a ps3, ps2,psp, xbox, wii and gamecube and ds, please help
  7. S

    where is the big sale? they listed a huge multi manufacturers sale on local tv

    here in Mobile Al.? I already tried the convention centr. hilton and 3 downtown hotels. nobody knows and its not in the paper. This is one of those mfgr sales that come to town about 2x a year.
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    How can I use stereo speakers for my computer?

    The stereo speaker cables are the red and black wires. My computer doesn't support the wires, only the plugs. Is there anything I can buy to use them?
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    Contact System Administrator?!?

    I'm trying to download iTunes. It says to contact system administrator for downloading this. but I am the system administrator, and i'm the only account on here?! PLEASE HELP!
  10. S

    Should public execution be held in public with less than humane methods depending...

    ...on the crime? let's hear a bit of detail
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    hidden gems/great games for ps3?

    has anyone played any games for ps3 that although were not heavily advertised are great games? im just looking for something i may have missed
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    Why don't people realize that thanking God is thanking fate? It's like...

    ...saying I dodged another bullet.? People know nothing about science, especially cosmology. The vast majority of the populace thinks that there's an omniscient God in the sky that watches over us and keeps us safe as long as we pray to him. But the reality is that the universe is an infinite...
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    do you get a hdmi lead with a playstation 3?

    or will i have to buy one?
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    Why doesn't my Ipod Shuffle show up on itunes or my computer?

    I've done damn near all the solutions possible. searched site for hours and googled forever. please help.
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    why does the scrolling go slow on my internet but not on any other pages of the pc?

    my computer is only a year old i recovered it to erase all the things and sell it but now when i scroll down on the internet its really slow to go down the internet is fast to switch pages but when i scroll it goes slow(its only on internet explorer that it does this)
  16. S

    Why is technological progress so much faster in the U.K, France, Dubai and

    the Pacific Rim than in the U.S? This country lags behind almost every industrialized nation in grand scale project technological advancement to a ridiculous extent? Why are we so backward here? We relentlessly glorify our system of government which is basically a relic from the Founding...
  17. S

    How to you deal with ignorant people in gyms who complain when you run on...

    ...a treadmill that it makes noise? Many ignorant characters who regularly go to gyms can't tolerate the slight pounding noise of someone running on a treadmill. They don't realize that it takes more than just walking to keep your weight down and stay fit. These idiots will often complain...