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  1. K

    is this a celeb to have a crush on?

    is it weird to have a crush on cole sprouse? at shcool the one below is my screen saver am i weird or or is it normal i mean is that a weird celb to pick to like i'm only 13
  2. K

    if i met a celeb how should i talk to them...............URGENT?

    i'm going to meet cole sprouse and i have a major crush on him so how should i talk to him
  3. K

    has anyone met cole and dylan sprouse?

    if you have who should i meet cuz cole is downright cute but i heard that dylan is nicer
  4. K

    cutest celebrity?????

    who is the cutest celebrity i think cole sprouse (the suite life of zack and cody)
  5. K

    MOVIE HELP.what is it like?

    my friend asked me if i wanted to watch little shop of horrors.what is it about and is it good
  6. K

    Help! I need a dress for a holiday ball?!?

    Ok so my fiance' is currently attending the merchant marine academy, and in december there is a holiday ball. I need a dress for the ball. Although I dont want anything too prom like... Simple and elegant.. thanks!! pictures please!
  7. K


    has any one herd of jake lloyd?he is an actor if you have what does he look like i think he is 19 this year. can someone show me links to see him
  8. K

    psp or nintendo ds?

    i need one please help me discide