Search results

  1. L

    Crappiest TV and radio commercials?

    I wish I could find the Mr Travel (or Mr Travail?) commerical from the 1980's, if anyone remembers the grinning paedophile-looking fat guy hugging children around a party table singing "Mister Traa-villl...Mister Tra-villl" you'll know why it still creeps me out! But I did find a present-day...
  2. L

    Q For Americans: How will you pay your $150,000 debt?

    I saw a documentary on TV this evening (I'm in the UK) about the true state of the American economy and how the USA is so deep in debt that if the Country is to avoid being effectively owned by China each and every citizen must pay $150,000 to pay the national debt (in fact I think the guy said...
  3. L

    Boring porn.. is there any way to find one that isn't?

    Yes I know Yahoo Answers isn't supposed to be for questions like this, but where exactly DO you ask? Google is spammed-up with links to rubbish porn sites when you type in search queries like "best porn dvd". Why are there so many bad porn videos? Girl in a bikini bouncing on an exercise ball -...
  4. L

    Laser eye surgery advice?

    I'm thinking of having my eyes done but I am aware that the TV commercials are extremely misleading and there are risks of scarring (scratches in your field of vision) and many people still have to wear glasses after surgery. Is there a website that breaks down the pros and cons and advises on...
  5. L

    eBay question: Are some sales rigged to go up to my max bid?

    I've bought a few items in the past where the next highest bid was only 1 pence (2 cents) below my maximum bid (I usually put my max bid in in the last 20 seconds before bidding ends). This seems like a suspicious sum of money.. who would bid £3.49 instead of £3.50 or 12.74 instead of £12.75? If...