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  1. H

    My friends cant see my banner on facebook.!?

    My friends cant see it. How do you change it so they can see it!!! Please helppp!!!!!!!!!
  2. H

    My slot loading iMac g3 dv not recognizing cd/DVD drive?

    I recently bought an iMac g3 that had only been used for a year or less when bought and was then put away. My problem is the that it doesn't, not even in the extensions manager, recognize the cd/DVD driver. It just says size:112 k but version and package are blank. Whenever I click on the apple...
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    I hurt my hand yesterday?

    I hurt my hand i have a splint on it and the doctors said i can not do anything! Rest ice elevate it. It is so hard for me not to do anything! What can i do that will not do any damage to my hand! I sprained it!
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    95 cadillac sls battery cable installation?

    wire diagrams free online
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    Rumor or fact?

    Is Jr. Motorsports closing down. I thought they were doing good this year and Junior had big plans for it.
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    Why cant ghost rider's flame be put out?

    In the movie he falls into water and keeps burning?