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  1. M

    Getting DVD clips into imovie...?

    Well I have AVCware... and in it I can trim videos. First of all though I need to get my movie onto my computer so I can put in in there. Then I need to get it into imovie.
  2. M

    Movies set in a feudal era Japanese theme?

    Not necessarily feudal era, but something like The Last Samurai or Memoirs of a Geisha I love those movies.
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    I'm 14 yrs old and need to drop the pounds, help me?

    I'm lazy. People tell me i'm not fat, but they're just being nice, seriously. With clothes on I don't look huge, but I need to lose weight when i see myself i am utterly disgusted. I'm 5'3 and 14yrs old. I'm in the 100lbs but not real sure what number. I want to be disgustingly skinny. And the...
  4. M

    Guys why would you talk back to a girl you fought with ?

    We had a fight, he said not to talk to him ever again. ( i doubted him) and we didnt see each other for a month. I tried apologizing he didnt reply (that was during the month we didn't talk). He saw me after a month, was nervous and walked ignoring me, he saw again after 2 weeks and this time he...
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    I looking for a pokemon chat box can you help me?

    I looking for a good chat box where there is alot people
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    He traveled and didn't say a word to me?

    He told me he's travelling and I told him i'll miss him a lot he told me he'll miss me too, so today before he travelled i wanted to talk to him, I IM-ed him but he wasn't there, so I appeared later on, he didn't ping me, his status kept on changing busy to online then disappeared with a busy...
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    Why doesn't he reply to my messages, but picks up the phone?

    When i call him, the moment i do he picks up. Or if i he dsnt pick up he immediatly calls back, but whenever i msg him he never replies back? even if i ask him if he's free or to hang out. Why so ? I've known him for a yr and a half.
  8. M

    where to buy a wii lan adapter?

    I been to wal mart and game stop but no luck
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    What does it imply when a guy likes touching, and grabbing you a lot?

    He makes up silly excuses sometimes just to hold me, grab me. He pokes and crosses fingers with me a lot. He's very shy too.
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    which phone is better sidekick lx or samsung behold ?

    the objects are phones
  11. M

    do you dislike barack obama ( NOBAMA)?

    nobama : MEAN U DISLIKE HIM
  12. M

    Travel tips for Germany, Italy, and Switzerland in the summer ?

    I am going to Southern Germany, Venice, and Switzerland this summer. What should I bring? What is the weather like? Will I need a converter for electrical things such as hair straighter?
  13. M

    Guys: If your crush misinterprets what you said and screams at you?

    I misunderstood him and i said something i'm not sure if it hurt him. I haven't heard anything from him after what i said. I was upset about something else and i let it out on him. How do i approach him and tell him that i didn't mean it? It happened before, and he gets hurt really easily. I'm...
  14. M

    I screamed at my crush, what happens to him now?

    We were IM-ing and i asked him about this concert that everyone went too, and he was was like he didnt go and he wudnt drive an hour to see the singer, i told him it was a very obscene concert, the singer was such a slut, he screamed at me at i am saying he doesnt know ! and he just knew about...
  15. M

    Can any body get past school filters?

    Ok this is really pissing me off, ive been trying to get past my schools filters for a while and nothing has worked AT-ALL no proxies no tunnels not eavin a phosphid or whatever the chinese use to get past the government filter, its driving me mad. so would somebody please help me whatever will...
  16. M

    When a guy does kissy faces, does it mean he's gay?

    When his lips go all pouty in photographs/pics. Thnx
  17. M

    How do I help a pulled muscle?

    I pulled a muscle in my back. its like the middle of my back to the left. idk what thats called but i have a game friday and saturday (today is tuesday) and i want it to feel better for me to be able to play. what can i do to make it stop hurting??
  18. M

    I need help getting videos on my Sprint Rumor phone, can you help plz???

    I have a Sprint Rumor phone, and I bought a micro mini memory card, and a memory card reader. I can get all the songs I want on my phone, but I can't figure out how to get videos. I've tried mpg, mpeg, mp4. Then when I try to play them on my phone, it says invalid file. What kind of video should...
  19. M

    If you get a bad feeling from a person before meeting them such as ...?

    you're always afraid talking to this person but they havent done you any harm, wt could it mean that we get such feelings ? I feel that all the time from my guy friend, although he hasnt done anything bad to me.
  20. M

    **ERGENT**what are some good movies out on dvd? that are romance or comedy?

    imma having my friends over for a movie night and i need some good movies to rent we love romance and comedy; the great ones i have seen and loved are ps i love you 27 Dresses 50 First Dates Aquamarine Bringing Down the House A Cinderella Story Definitely, Maybe Picture this The Derby...