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  1. K

    Please help with the impossible quiz question 84!!!?

    I have been trying and trying and searching for help but I cant find anything! People say to use the stars as guidance but I don't get it! Please help! Thanks -KittyKat
  2. K

    why cant i download the lastest verision from itunes to my iphone:"?

    Im am trying to uprgrade the lastest itunes version and for some reason after it finishes downloading it says that it was unable to because my session has timed out or something like that, same thing when i try to turn on genuis playlist. whats up with that?
  3. K

    why cant i download the lastest verision from itunes to my iphone:"?

    Im am trying to uprgrade the lastest itunes version and for some reason after it finishes downloading it says that it was unable to because my session has timed out or something like that, same thing when i try to turn on genuis playlist. whats up with that?
  4. K

    can u get pregnant from a fish?

    my friend asked me that question and now she's trying to debate that a person can were as i say they can't
  5. K

    Why are married or attached men so interested in me?

    I am not particularly looking for a relationship but seem to keep getting interest from men who are attached. I don't know this to begin with, but over the course of time they mention their wife or girlfriend. This has happened throughout my years from aged 16. Two of these men fell in love with...
  6. K

    name some animes with at least 70 episodes.?

    I dont care what type of anime it is I just need some that will last me a little while. so name as many as u can. thanks.
  7. K

    name some animes with at least 70 episodes.?

    I dont care what type of anime it is I just need some that will last me a little while. so name as many as u can. thanks.
  8. K

    Why does my dog freak out when lights are flashing?

    If light from the sun comes through the window and hits the wall my dog freaks out about it, or even any light at all that catches his eye he starts acting all "tweekerish" running back and forth, panting, crying.. why does he do this?
  9. K

    where do i put gear oil in a 1996 ford contour? I can't get the gears to shift

    now after parking the car.? I own a 1996 Ford Contour it's a 5 speed V-6. After parking the car now I can't get it into reverse or any other gear without forcing it. It sounds as if something is dry. I want to add gear oil to try to fix this problem but don't know how or where. Any help would be...
  10. K

    What religion was Jacques Cartier?

    What religion was Jacques Cartier? please support your answer unless your sure. what languages did he speak?only french?
  11. K

    Does my 2005 Audi A4 give me cardinal directions (North , South, East , West)?

    My car didn't come with an owners manual and I have never been able to know for sure if there's a setting that lets me know if I'm going North, East, South or West. It doesn't appear directly on the dash and I was wondering if there is something I'm just not pressing correctly or a switch I...
  12. K

    How do i find contact details for the medium Barbara Lafferty, Rita Rogers sister?

    I was told by a lady at a party once she had a reading by Barbara a few years ago, but i cannot seem to find her contact details anywhere. Does she still do readings?
  13. K

    digical switchover and recording programs?

    need information on a cheap way of recording 2 programs at once, i have sky but cant afford sky + are there boxes out there that will do this?
  14. K

    portable dvd player help!!?

    I am going on an 18 hour coach journey to italy soon and would like to take a portable dvd player with me. I really need one that has a really long life and i can get in the uk. I probably won't be able to recharge it until i get to italy as i will be on a coach so there will be no ciggerette...
  15. K

    Portable Dvd Players!! Plzzzz Help!!?

    so i am goin on an 18 hour COACH journey to italy soon and i wanted to get a portable dvd player can anyone suggest any with long battery life bearing in mind i will be on a coach so i WONT be able to charge it up again (or plug it in to a cigerette thingy) thanks!!!
  16. K

    what website can i find somebody's cell fone number for free???????

    i need an answer/website asap thx
  17. K

    What's the music from recent Tmobile advert?

    It's the one where they're wearing t-shirts and each time they take it off they turn into a different person (sorry, i phrased that really badly, but i don't know how else to put it. hopefully you know what i mean!) anyway i'd really like to know what the song is from that advert if anyone knows!
  18. K

    Gossip Girl: Best Couple?

    Serena & Dan Serena & Aaron Serena & Nate Chuck & Blair Blair & Nate Chuck & Vanessa
  19. K

    have u ever met a famouse celebrity or person or whatever mutt?

    or talked to one over the fone ya that counts actually i dont know if you know this but this girl on youtube her name is venetian princess her reall name is jodie rivera and you never would have guessed that that would be her name and she makes her own spoofs and songs and stuff on youtube and i...
  20. K

    new Itouch, cant download games?

    when ever i go to the app store and try to download a free game a message shows up saying "authorization failed. please connect to itunes" What does that mean? I'm completly useless at comupter stuff and need help as i want lots of games!