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  1. K

    New cat issues...she's about a year old, sometimes pees in the sink...?

    digs her claws in me and bites me to wake me up..having a hard time getting a good nights sleep. If I lock her out of my room, she body slams the door...if I put her outside, she jumps on the roof and scratches at my window. She also has a tendency to groom my hair while I'm trying to sleep, uh...
  2. K

    Need a new manga to read?

    i am trying to find a new manga to read, i really like the mangas red river, from far away, pretear, chibi vampire.. so i guess i like fantasy, romantic, adventure types... any suggestions?
  3. K

    Need a new manga to read?

    i am trying to find a new manga to read, i really like the mangas red river, from far away, pretear, chibi vampire.. so i guess i like fantasy, romantic, adventure types... any suggestions?
  4. K

    Okay, a recipe Challenge for all aspiring chefs out there ...?

    I have ground beef ... and I really want to do something a little different, my usuals are boring ... spaghetti bolognaise, lasagne, cottage pie, or meatballs/loaf - can any of you aspiring chefs come up with something different and creative for me? Any other ingredients are fine except for...
  5. K

    my 6 year old child always complains about her forehead hurting,i sometimes

    pay it no mind .? She likes to cry wolf to get her way or to get out of doing something, so most of the time thats when she does this. She had an accident when she was younger where she split her forehead could it be related.
  6. K

    I have a 2004 Saturn Ion 2. I just moved from Florida to Georgia, and with

    these cold mornings, ? I have trouble starting it! I just replaced the battery, so that is not it. I even took it to Sears to have them check the battery, and they said all was fine with the charge system. I know the cold has a part in this, but could it be something else? I have a portable...
  7. K

    I missed two birth control pills at the end of week 3 of my pack. ?

    I followed the instructions on the pack, started my period, and it lasted for a good 2 weeks. I started a new pack and finished the third week, now back on my period in week 4. This one feels normal, with the symptoms i usually get. does missing 2 pills just mess up the cycle for one month or...
  8. K

    Do you think this puppys cute?

    hi do you think my dogs cute and have a guess what breed she is lol this is actually my puppy lol
  9. K

    Car insurance renewed same day as accident - will they pay?

    My mail was forwarded late from a previous address and I received a cancellation notice on my auto insurance policy. I called when I received it and explained the situation and renewed it effective immediately - per the agent and I paid with a credit card. I received the emailed documents that...
  10. K

    I really am frustrated, please answer?

    I'm not obese or anything. I'm 13, 5'1 and 110 pounds. I eat really healthy, my parents are healthnuts. I am very calorie and carb concious about what I eat. I also excerise a lot. I'm going for my blackbelt, so I go through intense physical training. But, I never get any skinnier! I want an at...
  11. K

    how can i stop getting a rash?

    when i kiss my boyfriend his facial hair gives me a really bad rash on my chin.he shaves, but my skin is really sensitive so anything rough or slightly rough irritates it. is there any way that i can make it happen less? or just cover the redness (its really embarrassing)
  12. K

    Should I get verizon phone maintenance plan to fix my inside wiring

    I have had static in my line and I believe I've narrowed it down to the inside wiring. Its expensive to have them come and fix it, so should I get their "inside wiring" plan. Far as I can tell, they just require 30 days before they'll come out. Has anyone had to use this service or can think...
  13. K

    only women will know the answer?

    i have this weird thing with my period, most times its really heavy and i get a lot of really bad pain which now iv gotten used to. but every now and then it will come with no pain what so ever, and its lighter than usual. it doesnt have a pattern or anything it just changes when it wants. i...
  14. K

    Alternative energy?

    Can anyone tell me what the best new alternative energy(s) is/are?
  15. K

    charging my ipod...?

    so iv been charging my ipod and my brother comes in and goes "u better take ur ipod off, if u charge it too long it f***s (his language not mine) the battery" is this true? if it is, how would it wreck it? its a nano and its new, i got it in march, if that makes any difference.
  16. K

    are waterbottles bad for rabbits?

    I want to know if I should use waterbottles of ceramatic bowls for my
  17. K

    I have a 1999 grand am that when the car starts the lights will come on...

    ...automaticly is there a way to disable? I wan t to no if there is some switch that shuts this off so you have to manually turn the lights on