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  1. M

    Do you go mad when you are watching t.v and your door bell rings at the best part?

    what do you do when you get annoyed when watching t.v?or doing anything for that matter?
  2. M

    what is this sci-fi movie called?

    my science teacher back like 4 years ago was telling the class about this movie about a time machine. and it was originally a book. i'm pretty sure. and the guy plans to ask his girlfriend to marry him. and they go to the park and when he proposes she gets shot and killed. so he goes home to his...
  3. M

    Does he stop trying if he thinks your not interested?

    Flirting. If he thinks your not interested does he keep flirting or does he stop and move on? I do like him, I guess I just don't want to make it obvious. I know it sounds lame
  4. M

    Does he stop trying if he thinks your not interested?

    Flirting. If he thinks your not interested does he keep flirting or does he stop and move on? I do like him, I guess I just don't want to make it obvious. I know it sounds lame
  5. M

    If a guy thinks your not interested in him does he keep flirting.?

    Or does he stop trying?? I do like him, I guess I just don't want to make it obvious. I know it sounds lame
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    Have you ever called celebrity?

    I've heard of people finding celebrities numbers and calling them, have you ever done this?
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    Myspace Layout Websites That Won't Slow My Computer Down or Give Me Pop Ups?

    I have a new computer, and I do not want any viruses getting on it from Myspace Layout Sites What are some good myspace layout sites that won't slow my computer down or give me pop-ups? BEST WEBSITE(s) GET BEST ANSWER
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    Scavenger Hunt Ideas?????

    Do you have any scavenger hunt ideas for Halloween? We have 2 acres of land and most are woods...We would like to do it out there at night. Not for the public....For friends
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    WDYT Of my future baby names?

    I hope to have 6 kids in the future(or the future) lol what do you think? Girls: Angela Kay(Angie) Audrey Rae(Audie) Amelia Claudette(Mia) Boys: Joshua Brooks Joel Ronald Ezekiel Scott Isaac Lee They would all be named after a very special person I named 7 OMG I wanna name Angela...
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    Fashion questionnaire!?! Girls ONLY!!?

    Hey y'all I need help! Would you please fill in my questionnaire about FASHION?! It will only take 2mins! Thanks so much for those who wish to help!! xx (plz can you only TICK ONE!) Questionnaire 1. What is your age range? 15-18[ ] 19-22[ ] 23-26[ ] 27-30[ ] 30+[ ] 2. What nationality are...
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    Fashion questionnaire!?! Girls ONLY!!?

    Hey y'all I need help! Would you please fill in my questionnaire about FASHION?! It will only take 2mins! Thanks so much for those who wish to help!! xx (plz can you only TICK ONE!) Questionnaire 1. What is your age range? 15-18[ ] 19-22[ ] 23-26[ ] 27-30[ ] 30+[ ] 2. What nationality are...
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    How do I stop being overly obsessed with a celebrity?

    I need help... this is starting to get boarder line psycho =/
  13. M

    Stopped Birth Control mid-pack, does the bleeding count as a period? ?

    I had been taking ortho tri-lo for a few months, I had a dull pain in my ovaries 24-7 and it made my periods even more painful than ever. I kept on taking them but when I started my 4th pack, I had lost them so I ended up starting my pack a day late. About a week later I got horrible pains in my...
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    how many of these excersises should I do? How many of these should i do to tone up my inner thighs?
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    Do the courts in australia take broken custody agreements seriously? or when the...

    ...child is being harmed? My ex and i had mediation about 2 weeks ago and did a parenting agreement, our son is just 13months old and i have a domestic violence order out against my ex adn my son is on the order also. He has him twice a week supervised at his mums house. On the agreement i...