Search results

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    Advise for 6 months away travelling?

    Hello everyone. Would like some advise please, I am sellign my house and leaving my job for 12 months to go aroudn the world and see some things and try and help people. Cliche I know, but its something I want to do. I have no experience and im hoping some of you experienced guys out there...
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    how to change faces in kick the buddy no mercy?

    It says go to profile then select the polaroid picture of buddy, but I do not see this picture and really want to change the face! Thank you!
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    Games for my blackberry curve 9300?

    Does anyone know where i can find free games for my blackberry curve 9300? Have been on many sites with my phone trying to download free games without any sucsess, please any suggestions?
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    Rogers unboxing my phone?

    when i was getting my phone from rogers waiting to bring the box home to unbox it and make a video, i buy the phone and then the f***ing person started to unbox it! i was soooo mad! i just want to know why they do it?
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    For a dual-SIM smartphone, can we receive calls on one SIM while browsing...

    ...internet on the other SIM? I'm thinking to get Samsung Galaxy Grand, a dual-SIM smartphone. I'm gonna use one SIM for data and one SIM for calls. I saw on internet that if you are surfing internet on one SIM, you can't receive calls on the other SIM. Is that true? Please clear my doubts...
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    Is Roger Alan Wade Doing Another Album?

    Since his release of southbound train is he doing another album or plan on it in the future?
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    Is there an iPhone 5 case with both an extended battery and a Bluetooth keyboard?

    I am unhappy with the battery life of the iPhone 5 but also want a real keyboard for my iPhone. Are there any cases that support both
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    Where is this movie at? Can't seem to find....?

    Ok the famous actor played in it (or was); his name is Hayden Christensen. The movie name is "The Cold" I believe. I believe that's the name for the movie and it was suppose to come out in 2011? Something about being out in the freezing wilderness with 8 friends and they're dying or something...
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    what apps and games should i get for my blackberry bold 9900?

    i am getting a blackberry bold 9900 for christmas and i am really excited but i dont know what i should do with it apart from bbm and that...
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    what apps and games should i get for my blackberry bold 9900?

    i am getting a blackberry bold 9900 for christmas and i am really excited but i dont know what i should do with it apart from bbm and that...
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    What is this book called?

    It starts with this newspaper clipping about the protagonist being found naked and passed out in his car on a snowy road. I can't remember what happens next, but he meets this girl later on whose job is to record airport sounds for people who are having affairs. He meets her uncle, something...
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    How old should you be to learn two martial arts?

    I'm 15 and I've done judo for a while. I've recently started to consider doing wing chun as well.
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    Multiple Twitter Accounts to one Facebook profile?

    Right this is probably going to sound confusing! I have two Twitter accounts that I want to link to my two facebook pages (ie I want what I post on the Twitter to post directly to Facebook) I have this done for one of the accounts using the inbuilt feature on Twitter however, I can only do this...
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    Traveling help ! 10 points up for grabs?

    In about 3 years when I graduate from school. I'm celebrating by Traveling. From Australia, To Paris, Then 3 weeks later From Paris to London Then 3 weeks later From London to Ireland Then 3 weeks later From Ireland back to Australia Question is how much is it going to cost me to travel there...
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    Where can i get an affordable gaming laptop?

    I am curious as to what is the best way to go about this. Is it cheaper and better to get custom built? any good websites that ship to the UK?. I'm looking for something that could maybe play battlefield 3 on medium settings with fair FPS, any info on what processors are good/bad are appreciated...
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    How to get Kyrie Irving and the other rookies in NBA 2K12?

    I need help guys. Maybe an instruction or a link will do. Thanks in advance!
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    How to get Kyrie Irving and the other rookies in NBA 2K12?

    I need help guys. Maybe an instruction or a link will do. Thanks in advance!
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    Yamaha YZF125R or Derbi GPR 124 (4st version)?

    getting a 125 and its come down to these two bikes. They are both 4 strokes, with around the same topspeed. looking to spend around £2000 for a second hand bike. It seems i can get a newer GPR with less miles for the same price as a r125, but what bike is better? and give me a reason as well. Thanks
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    Game Ideas? iPod, iPhone?

    Anyone got some ideas for games in iOS, something no-one has ever done before.
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    iPhone 4S, iPad 2&3 or MacBook Air?

    I have an iPhone 4 right now, and I'm a bit disappointed that the iPhone 4S isn't what i hoped it would be, after reading the rumors and having waited an extra 4/5 months. So should I upgrade my iPhone for a slightly better one, or get an iPad 2 now, and then an iPad 3 which is coming out soon...