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    what to do when u just erased everything on your iPhone 3 using jailbroken?

    hi my friend just got a iPhone 3 from a friend of hers and she wanted to erase everything so she went to general>erase all content and settings and is been 7 hours now that is still showing the iPhone logo. she called the person she bought it to and said that its on jailbroken... what should she...
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    T-Mobile Texting Long Distance .. with Unlimited?

    I have unlimited texting in TMoblie, but is it extra for Texting Long Distance? Let's say .. from New York to California (United States)
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    T-Mobile Texting Long Distance .. with Unlimited?

    I have unlimited texting in TMoblie, but is it extra for Texting Long Distance? Let's say .. from New York to California (United States)
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    T-Mobile Texting Long Distance .. with Unlimited?

    I have unlimited texting in TMoblie, but is it extra for Texting Long Distance? Let's say .. from New York to California (United States)
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    what are some new technology for the future?

    no improvements
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    what are some new technology for the future?

    no improvements
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    what are some healthy foods you can eat when you're dieting?

    can you give me a list of food to eat when you're dieting?
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    Witch celebrity is hot and witch celebrity isn't hot!!?

    Paris Hilton Jessica Alba Jennifer Lopez Tyra Banks
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    Witch celebrity is hot and witch celebrity isn't hot!!?

    Paris Hilton Jessica Alba Jennifer Lopez Tyra Banks
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    Garage sale, how should I price it?

    I have all these cute clothes, they're in good condition but I don't know how I should price the items. 1.) Cardigans from wet seal etc.. 2.) Sude jeans, skirt. 3.) shoes and purses and hats I wanted to know your opinion on what I should price the items if they're in good condition!
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    Frostwire or Limewire?

    Which one is safer, better, and faster?
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    What is the MacBook built-in bluetooth COM port designation?

    I am running Windows XP on my MacBook. I have to to be able to use my court reporting software as it is only able to run on Windows. There is a process where I can use the Bluetooth capability on by steno machine to communicate wirelessly to my Mac. However, in the setup of this process for...
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    I live with my gf who has a son and I can't open up I'm just annoyed all the...

    ...time. What can I do? When she met her ex she had a son. My girlfriend decided to be his other parent. He now comes to our home on the weekends. I went in knowing that she has a kid (though not legally) and thought it would be ok. At first it was and I enjoyed being with both of them. But...
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    Does anyone know where i can download Snakecharm the ebook without using a torrent?

    I really want to read this book its the second book in the kiesha'ra series. It is Snakecharm and it is by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes.Thanks for the help.
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    who is the hottest celebrity that you like?

    Mine is Brandon Boyd, he was born feb. 15th just like me!! Happy, Happy birthday baby!!! :D
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    Who is the hottest celebrity you like, guys?

    I wanna know who's the hottest girl you like that famous who's female or if you're a girl a male.
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    NEW MOON! Where can I get it?

    I really wanted to read it because I just finished reading twilight and it was SOOO goood! I promise I'll by it latter! I'm so hooked though!! Anyone know a site I can go on to read itt?? oh yeah New Moon by Stephanie Meyers
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    Why does this happen when i have sex?

    When ever me and my bf have sex from behind (not and he rubs my clit with his hand. I end up getting a UTI the next day and have to drink a ton of water. I think its him touching me with his hand down there (which where both really clean) Why would this happen? Ever happen to you?
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    baby p:please read important info?

    i recieved a text message last nite saying "the papers may be banned from naming the vile monsters but im not,here is the mothers name tracy connolly,and steven barker of penhurst road tottenham.jason owen was the disgusting paedo lodger."pass this on to shame d scum
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    how to stop your ten month old puppy from chasing cars?

    Won't go potty if on leash.