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  1. L

    What does "non-USA" format on a DVD mean?

    I want to buy this German movie called Kokowääh but the only copy I can find is on Amazon and it says "non-USA format." does that mean it won't work with my laptop? Doesn't have English subtitles? I'm Canadian but I'm guessing non-USA automatically means non-Canadian...
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    Why islam fastest growing religion?

    How come more people convert to islam then any other religion???
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    I have to do a rant about why social sites like Facebook Twitter ect are stupid...?

    What points should I make? What should my first sentence be?
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    Is it possible to live off of what you hunt?

    I am starting to learn about hunting and the rules that come along with it. Each season is different, so I was wondering that if you follow the rules and hunt it possible to just live off of what you hunt? Thanks. I grow my own vegetables. Of course what I can't get, I'll buy...
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    What's martial arts like?

    How do the different types vary? Are some more suited to different people?
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    what does the joke about the name "margeret" mean?

    my brother called me maaargeret......and everyone started laughing but i didnt get it. what did it mean?
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    Jujitsu Newbie - Feeling Intimidated and Overwhelmed?

    I have just started taking up jujitsu. I really like it and don't mind that it is very physical. But I'm very short & thin, so I feel really intimidated and overwhelmed because I'm not used to this activity and don't have the stamina...and obviously I still haven't developed in technique. Any...
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    I am marketing Electronic cigarettes and i need to know what type of...

    ...companies would be reselling this product? We are appointing resellers around the world.I just want to brainstorm to know what type of companies/resellers that would be our target market. For example,pharmaceutical companies,traditional cigarettes distributors etc...please provide me with as...
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    How good are Hayabusa MMA Gloves?

    I'm just starting in mma and im looking for a good competition glove.
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    are there any good movies recently out on blueray or dvd?

    i watch any genre i dont mind im just realy bored and thinking of going out to rent a movie so help me out
  11. L

    are there any good movies recently out on blueray or dvd?

    i watch any genre i dont mind im just realy bored and thinking of going out to rent a movie so help me out
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    How to upload a dvd to the internet?

    I have a dvd my boyfriend made me and I want to upload it to the internet so I can share it with his family. It is a little over 16 minutes long, so I cant upload to youtube. Can anyone help? thanks!
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    AT&T Phone: Blackberry Torch, Motorola Flipside, or a windows phone? Why?

    I would get an iphone, but i need a slider keyboard.
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    AT&T Phone: Blackberry Torch, Motorola Flipside, or a windows phone? Why?

    I would get an iphone, but i need a slider keyboard.
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    AT&T Phone: Blackberry Torch, Motorola Flipside, or a windows phone? Why?

    I would get an iphone, but i need a slider keyboard.
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    AT&T Phone: Blackberry Torch, Motorola Flipside, or a windows phone? Why?

    I would get an iphone, but i need a slider keyboard.
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    AT&T Phone: Blackberry Torch, Motorola Flipside, or a windows phone? Why?

    I would get an iphone, but i need a slider keyboard.
  18. L

    theres a version of carol of the bells that im trying to find?

    theres this really cool version of carol of the bells that im trying to find. its a girl siinging it and its kinda "misty" if that makes any sense... please help. they play it on 101.5 the river in toledo but im having a hard time finding it
  19. L

    Beowulf travels from the land of the Geats to Denmark?

    a. how many soldiers accompany Beowulf b. about how long does it take to reach denmark c. what is their journey like? d. how do beowulf and his men conclude their journey?
  20. L

    Do any characters from Highsmith's 'Ripliad', apart from Ripley, appear... more than one novel? Preferably characters from the original novel 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'.