Search results

  1. N

    What T-Mobile smart-phone can I get that will use my personal emails (hotmail and

    gmail) into Outlook? I use both on my computer via Outlook...I am researching smartphones to find which one can do this. The HTC HD2 can NOT. You have to use a microsoft exchange (work) email, and then, only one. Anyone know any that I can put my PERSONAL email into OUTLOOK with T-Mobile as my...
  2. N

    I need to find a Prepaid Smartphone?

    I need a smartphone. The only feature I require is that it sync with Outllok. Windows would be awesome, as would web browsing, but... So I have to have some type of prepaid, or flex-pay, or somewhere like that... Thanx!!
  3. N

    I need advice on quitting smoking. I have smoked a pack a day for 31 years!

    I tried once to quit, with patches? and it worked fairly well...but both my husband and I were quitting together. We lasted a couple of months. I want to use the patches again, I am down to 1/2 pack a day for last couple of years, so I think the patches are good. But for behaviour modefication I...
  4. N

    Cant back up with my DVD_RW's!! The danged thing keeps trying to "fomat" them, it

    Cant back up with my DVD_RW's!! The danged thing keeps trying to "fomat" them, it takes so long, and wont work? I am on Vista Home, am using windows to copy/paste. Also tried to use PC Doctor to back-up, all to no avail! I downloaded a freebie trial of nero, and it worked, but I cant open the...
  5. N

    Looking for Cellphone service with a national cellphone company with my poor..., where might I check? I have been using a prepaid cellphone for quite some time now, but I really need a regular billed plan. Preferably I would like a cool phone with Microsoft mobile 6, and Outlook capabilities. Perhaps 3g? With a flat rate, unlimited minute/data plan. But with my...
  6. N

    am looking for a new cell/pda/smartfone? I really want a fone that has outlook...

    ...on it.? Not sure what my other options What IS the dif between a cellfone, a pda, and a smartfone, or blackberry for that matter? Help!!