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  1. D

    Anyone know the answers to this bowhunting quiz?

    1- How old was Fred Bear when he made his first bow kill? (deer) 2- What year was it? 3- Now for the hard one- how many years did he bowhunt before killing his first deer? I just wanted to highlight how different it was back in the beginning when bowhunting was virtually unknown and even a...
  2. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  3. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  4. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  5. D

    Are you disappointed in biased political pundits?

    I like Randi Rhodes but ever since Obama became president, she's suddenly not critical about the things that should be criticized--and that she would would have criticized and blamed Bush for if he were still president. Why can't we have people in the media who don't take sides based on...
  6. D

    Does anyone know what song that is at the beginning of Season 2 episode 1 on The

    Best Years? You know, the one that's playing during the clip of Sam and Rich hanging out in Panama that's kind of Jamaican sounding? Ring any bells?
  7. D

    What's your favorite book having to do with politics, history, or current events?

    Wow those are interesting titles--thanks!
  8. D

    If you could see the future & you saw that you would receive a certificate for

    being a 10-year Y/A user...? ...would you cry? Or would you be proud? lol
  9. D

    How do you think Obama will handle future disasters?

    Because we know more will occur.... Do you think he will take responsibility and act immediately like Clinton did or will he let people die and blame it on local government like Bush did?
  10. D

    In the near future, will all corporations and the gov't have easy & instant

    access to our private information.? ...once all our personal information is centralized and computerized under the guise of "efficiency" and "saving millions of dollars" on "paperwork?" (Something that Obama recommended when talking about saving on the cost of health care?) But is it ok...
  11. D

    Will Hollywood eve make a movie about the Palestinian plight?

    Who will star in this movie (in the Palestinian protagonist and Israeli antagonist roles)? edit: "ever" not "eve"
  12. D

    Why doesn't anyone in Hollywood speak out against the Israeli atrocities against

    civilians in Gaza...? ...or try to help get aid to the Palestinians there? It would be hard for Israel to target them and attack ships trying to deliver food and aid to Gaza if everyone knows that a celebrity is on the ship. (I thought Hollywood cared about genocides and humanitarian causes.)...
  13. D

    Are neocons promoting class warfare when they say Obama shouldn't be vacationing

    in Hawaii while the economy..? bad? Don't a lot of Americans travel to Hawaii because it's not as expensive as traveling abroad? And didn't Bush break records for taking the most vacations--even during the most inappropriate times? Why is everything that Obama does scrutinized (that...
  14. D

    Why are the auto companies asking for handouts & complaining about

    unions & wages--shouldn't they be ashamed..? ...of themselves for paying their workers less than the Toyota plant (which doesn't even have a worker's union) in Kentucky does? Why does it take a foreign company to pay Americans a more decent wage--while the "(un)American" Big Three continue to...
  15. D

    Who said the following (re: politics)?

    "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." And do you agree with this quote? Anyone???? cdrr: Yay--you're right!
  16. D

    Shouldn't we focus of Bush's job performance rather than speculating on

    Obama's future performance? canuface: Yeah--he's in office! DAR, yeah you're right. I guess I mean people talking about things that's not based on fact but on fear of what might happen.
  17. D

    Isn't having digital cable and internet access the same as having Big

    Brother in your home? They know exactly where you are; what you're reading, watching, writing--everything! They can even cut off your access if they think you're using it "too much" or block you from specific sites! Are they going to do the same thing with cable TV since they're forcing us to...
  18. D

    If the internet was created by the government using tax dollars, why isn't

    internet access free? ? And who were the chosen companies (how were they selected) that got to make huge profits off of being "internet providers?" Why do we have to pay a monthly fee for something that was already created with tax dollars? Shouldn't they only be allowed to charge once for the...
  19. D

    Chrysler signed a deal in 2007 with China to export Chinese-made cars to the US...? you think the "US" auto companies (since that not a popular idea with most Americans), will pretend to be bought out by China so they can sell us their Chinese-made cars as planned? This was the contract in 2007: So why are they...
  20. D

    Chrysler already signed a deal in 2007 with China to export Chinese made

    cars to the US...? you think the "US" auto companies (since that not a popular idea with most Americans), will pretend to be bought out by China so they can sell us their Chinese-made cars as planned? The news today...