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  1. H

    catching disease from buying a rat?

    I'm Definatly NOT saying rats are horrible filthy things because they are lovely adorably loyal pets, but i seen an add about a female rat free too good home and if decide to have it is there anything i could possible catch from the rat? im just making sure as it from a total stranger
  2. H

    introducing another female rat to my female rat,?

    im thinking of buying a female rat from a person not far from me, but its only 1 and i know rats like to have company, so would it be ok if i introduce another female rat to her or would they fight?
  3. H

    how do i download my music from onto my samsung gravity...

    ...through bluetooth? i just got a samsung gravity yesturday and i want to download some of my music from acount onto my playlist on my phone and my brother wont help me. my bluetooth is on, i just dont know how to get my computer to download it onto my phone, its all very comfusing...
  4. H

    I need an introduction that pops (10 points best answer)?

    I'm writing a personal reflective on my hobby and I have been told that I need an introduction that pops (stands out, makes you go WOW). Some people who are doing it on friends are starting with the definition of friends. My hobby is horse riding and I have the average introduction: 'We all...
  5. H

    What's the best way...

    to lose a lot of weight fairly quickly and for it to stay off. I want to know what's a good way to lose from the stomach (apart from sit-ups) I don't want to change my diet too much because it's fairly good (could cut out fizzy drinks, I do eat and like fruit and veg). I get, Mon-Fri 1 hour...
  6. H

    Doctor Who....?

    Is Donna Noble, Catherine Tate, really dead and has left because that was a short time if she has. What exactly happened... I know she turned into a statue etc but has she left or not? No funny comments please.