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  1. S

    Would you be interested in seeing any of the books made into films?

    Would you be interested in seeing any of the books made into films? I don't think I would personally. More often than not I find the books spoilt by films, I get cross because they don't do the books justice. I prefer having my own ideas about things. Thank you..
  2. S

    Does your cat run to greet you at the door, like a dog?

    Thank you..
  3. S

    Can you remember the title of any book you read when you were 1st learning to read?

    Thank you..
  4. S

    Do you like reading books? If so, what are you reading at the moment?

    Thank you.. Merry Christmas and may you’re every New Year Dream come true..)
  5. S

    What food would be the perfect old-fashioned Christmas?

    And should it be lunch or dinner? Thank you.. May the year a head be filled with joy and happiness.. "Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" George Thorogood and the Destroyers - Rock n roll christmas
  6. S

    Do you like to travel by airplane?

    What was the longest flight you have ever taken? Thank you.. Have a nice day...
  7. S

    What are the health benefits of green tea?

    Is tea bad for you?
  8. S

    What color is safest on cars?

    I've been reading up on the safest color for a car. Every website shows that silver is by-far the safest color? what do you think?
  9. S

    What time of day do you eat your biggest meal?

    What do you eat ?
  10. S

    Why do people gossip?

    Is it really healthy to gossip about other people in order to socially engage ourselves with our peers?
  11. S

    Have you ever seen any celebrities or famous people in person?

    Who did you see?
  12. S

    TEACHER : Little Johnny, how do you spell "crocodile"?

    Little Johnny : "K-R-O-K-O-D- A-I-L" TEACHER : No, that's wrong Little Johnny : Maybe it's wrong, but you asked me how I spell it! ************ ***** TEACHER : Little Johnny, give me a sentence starting with "I". Little Johnny : I is... TEACHER : No, Little Johnny. Always say, "I am." Little...
  13. S

    One day Little Johnny says to his father: I want to get married.?

    Father: Oh, so do you have someone special in your mind? Johnny: Yes , Gradma. Father: What? There is a problem now, you want to marry my mother? Johnny: Why not? You married my mother. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- little johnny was...
  14. S

    Little Johnny's house is packed with relatives for Christmas dinner. ?

    Grandpa calls over 6 year old Little Johnny and starts asking about school, girlfriends and other stuff he can think of. After a while, grandpa notices that Little Johnny is losing interest in the conversation, so he pulls out two bills from his wallet to see if he can keep him interested. A...
  15. S

    So will we one day be able to travel into the future...?

    would you say There is nothing in the laws of physics to prohibit it, In physics, so the saying goes, if nothing is prohibited, it must happen at some point All we need to do is to work out how to manipulate black holes and wormholes, and away we go?
  16. S

    Little Johnny walked into his classroom one sunny morning, wearing only one glove. ?

    The teacher, a little confused, asked him what it was all about. Little Johnny explained, "Well ma'am, I was watching the weather program on the TV. this morning and the Weatherman said that it was going to be sunny today, but on the other hand it could get quite cold."
  17. S

    Do you eat breakfast every day?

    What do you usually eat?
  18. S

    What did they call science fiction before they called it science fiction?

    Do you like reading science fiction books?
  19. S

    Little Johnny and his dad goes out ice fishing one cold winter day. ?

    Dad makes 2 holes in the ice and they start fishing. Little Johnny is catching all the fish and dad isn't catching any, not even a bite. Finally Dad says "Little Johnny what's your secret to catching all the fish" Little Johnny says " Bah Bah Bah Bah Bah Ba." Dad says "Johnny what have you...
  20. S

    If we found intelligent life on another planet, what religion would it be...?

    Say that some day there was actual intelligent life found on some distant planet? How would this change your view of your god, or would it change your belief in religion as a hole? Thank You