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    Can I exchange my new black lg optimus phone for a white one?

    I recently just got my phone in the mail from T-Mobile. I didn't know there was a white version of this phone. I haven't opened the box yet and was just wondering if it's possible to exchange this black one for a white one at a kiosk or something?
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    Where can I download Saint Seiya Summery Fancy?

    It is a fan made otome game of saint seiya where you can date all the gold saints. Although it is in chinese, I can probably translate it and I really want to play it. The download link on the official website doesn't work any more. If someone already has it would it be possible for you to send...
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    Help! My dog stole my bike!?

    My dog has stolen my bicycle and is riding it around my house! What do I do?
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    What is a good recipe for Austrailian damper ?

    I have heard about it mentioned by Austrailian relatives but they never went into detail about it?
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    250cc sport bikes for new rider?

    Yes, yes, I'll get tired of it quickly and want something faster -- don't need the lecture. I really need something that's a starter bike. I've heard a lot of good things about the Kawasaki Ninja, but I'd like to know what other options I have. For the record, I'm 5' 7" and weigh about 130...
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    Best Bittersweet anime series!?

    I've always been into the bittersweet ones- short series(13 - 60 episodes)- but gets you addicted. I like it when they have some filler episodes(Character development), but after a few they get to the main plot and just bring you along for the ride- leaving you with a face covered in snot and...
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    Premonition movie question!!!?

    This is about the Movie PREMONITION. Briefly provide any specially relevant information about the people who made the film, the origin of the idea for the film, (For example, is it basedon a book or a real life, is it a remake of an earlier film, is it a sequelto an earlier film, or is it a...
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    Christians, what do think about this interpretation? i personally don;t agree with his views about the personality of Jesus, because he is simply wrong and it is just his personal opinion, but that doesn't mean that his interpretation about the passages are wrong too. also, please...
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    When you come across a BYB or puppy mill, what do you do?

    Do you A, completely ignore them, B, report them, C, nicely tell them what they're doing is wrong, or D, inform them in a not-so-nice way? I usually pick A, but once I went with D, haha. I had found such a horrible BYB, possibly a puppy mill. They sold "golden yorkies", "shorkies" "teacups" and...
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    how do i turn on my bluetooth on my laptop?

    My bluetooth symbol that on my laptop isnt on !!!!!! HELP!!!! I went on to control panel and went under bluetooth but there is nothing there!!! I searched online to figure it out but nothing there worked what do i do?
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology?

    Why does Tiktaalik confirm a major prediction of paleontology? This is a question from the book Your Inner Fish: a journey into the 3.5-billion-year history of the human body By Neil Shubin
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    Joke! Please star if you like!?

    A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of...
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    I got a bunch of random (some lame) jokes!?

    -Yo mamma so stupid she tried to eat her iPhone because it had an apple on it! -Why does a blonde smile during a lighting storm? Because she thinks that a picture is being taking. -What's the blondes idea of safe s*x? Locking the car door. -Blonde: Hey, What does 'IDK' mean? Brunnete: I don't...
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    Please tell me some jokes to make me laugh ^.^?

    I have KTS, it's a rare disease, and it makes my right leg hurt so bad I can't stand it. Took some pills, but they say laughter is the best medicine... I think..? :/ Oh well. Make me LOL, please. George you had me cracking up! The second answer, meh. It made me...giggle(I hate that word) The...