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  1. J

    Telus canada upgrade question?

    I currently have a Blackberry curve 8330. I hate it! I want to purchase a new device, something with android OS. I notice they have an upgrade fee of $10Xmonths remaining. Does this apply to my situation? I am not trying to break my contract, I just want to purchase a new phone and transfer the...
  2. J

    Christians, is my logic wrong?

    Imagine that there's a tribe of about 100 people living isolated. None of them know about Christianity or any type of religious concept. According to Christian doctrine, they will not be held accountable on judgment day because they never had the chance to believe. Now, should a missionary even...
  3. J

    Is it ok to cruise 50 rpm below redline in a cessna 172?

    I was looking through the POH and in the cruise performance chart and they show 2650 rpm having 75% power at 10000 feet. Does this mean it is ok to continuously run the aircraft at that rpm. It red lines at 2700 rpm. If you shouldn't run it at these rpm's why is it listed in the cruise...
  4. J

    Is it ok to cruise 50 rpm below redline in a cessna 172?

    I was looking through the POH and in the cruise performance chart and they show 2650 rpm having 75% power at 10000 feet. Does this mean it is ok to continuously run the aircraft at that rpm. It red lines at 2700 rpm. If you shouldn't run it at these rpm's why is it listed in the cruise...
  5. J

    GIRLS would you lose interest in a guy...?

    If he came from a really poor family, and he himself was extremely hard off financially? But he's everything you ever wanted, except he's been poor all his life. Would you find that un-attractive? would you care? I Broke Bad: At what point in this question did I mention myself? anyways, your...
  6. J

    Recently i have opened the throttle on my sports bike. And so far it has almost

    just completely cut out.? Ill push it the rpm's to just a little bit before red line. And twice it has almost completely shut off. The engines basically gives out and the rpm's drop to idleing rpm. I can just let off the gas and do it again and it will be fine. But why has it cut out on me? I...
  7. J

    FIRST BIKE 01 gsxr750?

    I LOVE IT!!! I was kinda scared cause all of the reviews of getting a sport bike as a first bike but i thought i could handle it and i can. The keys are to just drive responsibly and to keep the rpm's low till i get to know the bike a bit more.!!!!
  8. J

    im about to buy a sport bike and was wondering if a 366 pound bike with 61.5...

    ...ft.lbs is alot? is it alot or more than usual, could you be specific please? 61.5 foot pounds of torque
  9. J

    Does driving a sport bike raise sex appeal?

    If you see a guy driving a sport bike or motorcycle does it seem to attract women more?
  10. J

    What health benefits are there from not smoking or drinking?

    I've never smoked and never drunk, what sort of health benefits will I have as opposed to someone who does? I'm probably older than you expect but look a lot better than many of my peers, most of them have smoked and drunk.
  11. J

    If your faith was false, would it still have value?

    Both in your eyes and in terms of its affect on humanity as a whole through history.
  12. J

    Why is discrimination on the basis of religion still perpetuated today?

    Homosexuals are not allowed to marry in large part due to what the Bible says. Isn't it sad that, even with so much history in discrimination and it's horrible effect on society, we still as a society have legal discrimination on a religious basis? Christian purity- Bad impact on society? Would...
  13. J

    Theists, how is it that so many different views claim to be certain of their

    validity? When only one, if any, can actually be right?
  14. J

    Why would an omnipotent being care if I believe in it or not?

    Before anyone writes "He doesn't, it's you that should want to believe!", think of this: I'm living my life well, I am perfectly content with where my life is and where it's going. I do not feel the need whatsoever to believe in God to improve the quality of my life. In fact, I know exactly what...
  15. J

    To those against gay marriage...?

    If homosexuals became the majority group in your country, would you be okay with them claiming your lifestyle (such as the Christian one) as wrong and therefore legally discriminate against it? Please don't dodge the question. For those not against it: Any thoughts on this matter?
  16. J

    how can I speed up my bittorrent movie downloads . right now they take forever!!!... there any free software? how can i speed up my bittorrent movie downloads ? right now they take forever!!! is there any free software i can download that goes a long with bittorent and speeds up torrent movie downloads? how do i use this software?
  17. J

    how can I speed up my bittorrent movie downloads . right now they take forever!!!... there any free software? how can i speed up my bittorrent movie downloads ? right now they take forever!!! is there any free software i can download that goes a long with bittorent and speeds up torrent movie downloads? how do i use this software?
  18. J

    how can I speed up my bittorrent movie downloads . right now they take forever!!!... there any free software? how can i speed up my bittorrent movie downloads ? right now they take forever!!! is there any free software i can download that goes a long with bittorent and speeds up torrent movie downloads? how do i use this software?
  19. J

    Why do conservative christians whine about liberals and other people not being

    You ask the best questions and give the best answers! Will you have my abortion? Most of these morons are lost causes. Anyone who believes in a fairy tale like the one Christianity supports is too brain damaged to understand. How can any adult with a functioning brain believe that if they...
  20. J

    Rookies running today?

    Did any ROOKIES during today's race- miss their pit box?