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    How can I get rid of the annoying "Link" recording that comes on each time I turn...

    How can I get rid of the annoying "Link" recording that comes on each time I turn... ...on my Lexus 470 Toyota 2003? The link system deactivation error recording comes on each time I turn on my Toyota. I went to the Redlands, California Toyota dealership and they wanted to charge $375. Is there...
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    game sonic and sega all star racing setup wont start?

    i tried to install this game and it shows a black windows setup and exits what should i do? i need help as fast as possible
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    How much can you get a Mazda 3 four door s Sport for out the door?

    Been shopping around for one, trying to see what prices people have gotten dealers to get them out the door with.
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    Will DivX give my hard drive viruses?

    So I would like to watch videos and some movies and most of them suggest or demand DivX. I just want to know if I should or shouldn't download it, Thanks.
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    Smoking weed weeks before traveling, will you get busted?

    Now, Im not saying that im a person who smokes, but im just saying.. hypothetically, lol. I've heard that weed stays traceable in your system for a couple of weeks after you smoke it. If you smoke 2 weeks before an international flight, is there any risk of getting in trouble??
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    Do you have to flash the psp in order to use a theme or can u just put it in

    the theme file? I just wanted to kno. some of the themes that i try to set dont work, only a message that the file cannot be opened
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    Scientists discover we're wired for religion. Can religious ppl say I WAS BORN...

    ...THAT WAY when decrying gays? For years we've heard the notion that homosexual people are "Born that way". Maybe, possibily, probably... whatever. Scientists have just discovered humans seem predisposed to religion. If you're born that way my basic question is this: If homosexuality is OK...
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    "Miracle on the Hudson" - showing hollywood plane crashes - rediculous?

    How exactly is the plane crash in the hudson related to hollywood crashes and is this type of "news" fluff?
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    where can i buy angelus leather paint in the uk? preferably in london?

    i dont mind if its online but i would like it better if i could go to a specific shop to buy it. i know about fat budda store but they do not have all the colours i wish to purchase for example a bright yellow.
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    Organic people: would Fullers Organic Honey Dew beer be ok for you instead of...

    ...normal beer at a party? Just wondering what beer to buy for "organic" guests!
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    how to remove door panel for 2005 GMC Sierra Crew Cab?

    Was wondering how do I lift the clip behind the power window/mirror/lock modulator to get the door panel completely off? I'm stuck at that one clip and I don't wanna break it.
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    Best cross species UFC matchup....?

    What fighter versus what animal would cause you to actually pay to see the fight?
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    what are your thoughts on the Gay Bible that's coming out in Spring? A gay version of the Bible, in which God says it is better to be gay than straight, is to be published by an American film producer. New Mexico-based Revision Studios will publish The Princess Diana Bible – so named because...
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    Have you ever had second thoughts about entering a store that displayed a gay...

    ...pride flag...? Even if you didn't mind that the server was gay, but just because it made the workplace gay or you felt it not to be something that needed to be shown?
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    Is it true american cars have a handle and set of instructions in the "trunk" of...

    Is it true american cars have a handle and set of instructions in the "trunk" of... in case you're locked in? If that's really true, how incredibly messed up is that!?
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    The internet proves...?

    a) Infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters CAN come up with a work of shakespeare b) Arguing on the internet is like the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded c) Cats ARE funny when captioned d) There are other people who really like turtles e) You need: Viagra, a penis...
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    Why would lesbians complain about faux-mo-sexuals causing emotional harm....

    ...Isn't it just as valid as bi/homo ? If a girl kisses another girl but isn't a lesbian, just a poser, why does that upset lesbians? Wouldn't lesbians support anyones right to their sexuality, fake, forced, posed real or otherwise? If being a faux-mo-sexual is bad, then isn't being a...
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    Why is it that gay people use the word Agenda when describing a question...

    ...even though as a straights don't know? So I ask a question about gay people and then get answers accusing me of having an agenda. Does asking about something you don't know of gay people an agenda? Why does this word seem to come up more often with gay people. I heard of gay consipracies...
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    Is it possible to hack my next door neighbours wireless internet?

    Well my net is capped, and his is fine, it's password protected, is it possible to hack it? also, if it's not possible, what do people usually have as the password? would i find it on a phone bill?
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    1987 dodge conversion?

    I want to buy a 1987 dodge conversion from a friend. it has a few cosmetic problems but he said he will fix them to my satisfaction before i buy it. i like the van alot. but what should i look out for before i buy it? Also he wants $2500 for it and that sound high. what is an appropriate price?