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  1. M

    How long does it take for lutein softgels to work?

    I suggested that my mom by the supplements for my sister's eye irritation/infection and I think my mom bought them this past Monday and now it is Thursday. Does it take a week or what? O_O
  2. M

    This is a rumor, right?

    It's gotta be... I'm hearing that Rihanna and Chris went and eloped. Gotta be a rumor, right... Like the pregnancy thing... Yeah gotta be a rumor.
  3. M

    Chris Stokes and the whole BK2 molest rumor...?

    Did he really do it, or is it a rumor? I heard about it last year and B. Scott talked about it too
  4. M

    Was anyone reminded of the SLO-MO Matrix SCENE...?

    ...when those shoes flew past Bush the other day? LMAO!!!
  5. M

    More about the gay lifestyle?

    Hey, ya'll, can ya'll help a sister out a little? Give me a good background and description about the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered communities. Well, I already know about down low, and what may be in gay-oriented stores, and today these ppl gave a presentation about gays and I only...
  6. M

    Another Classical (Non-ranting related) question?

    Why, when some ppl may ask about Yanni in this section (or anyother Neo-classical musician) those questions get a lashing or a blasting? Why can't we all get along? This reminds me of the whole Real Jazz vs. Smooth Jazz fiasco... It also reminds me of some snobby ppl vs. down-to-earth ppl. ...
  7. M

    Publishing agents...................?

    Is it true that agents won't take you seriously because you send your work to the Library of Congress to copyright yourself, using a CD-RW or CD-R disc? I don't have the time to look for an agent right now; I have been busy and I want to copyright my work as soon as possible. Someone told me...
  8. M

    7th graders watching Gossip Girl

    Aren't they a bit young? Chace, the guy who plays Nate, mentioned that some 7th grade fans were cheering him on-saw it on Access Hollywood the other morning. I also know a 12 year old who watches it with her mom. Super Psychedelic-It's more for the older crowd of teens lissy-Yeah, but the...
  9. M

    Blogging and music codes

    How do you post music codes on every blog entry without the codes conflicting with each other in they are in "auto play"?
  10. M

    Work It and Gossip Folks radio edit

    Is there a sorta-clean radio edit on for these songs? Thanks. 10 points for the best answer!
  11. M

    Do Hollywood Video and...?

    ...other video rental stores still use the "sanding and polishing" process that's mentioned in this article?!&id=172727 That DEFINITELY should get rid of cloudy white spots and residue off a CD, and not just scratches...
  12. M

    Drake Bell?

    Been wondering this for a while...but.. did Drake Bell really forward those naked pics of Vanessa Anne Hudgens to the net?