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  1. S

    Wheel Adapters on my SUV?

    put more strain on wheel bearings,illegal in nz
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    Is there a way to print off Text messages I have recieved on my Telus Cell Phone?

    I need a way to have hard copies of these messages for future use if I need them
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    what is cheaper than an ipad that you can download iphone apps to?

    My husband had a stroke and there is an iphone app called verbal victor that would be so helpful because he cannot speak but ipads are so expensive so I was looking for something cheaper.Any ideas?
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    what is cheaper than an ipad that you can download iphone apps to?

    My husband had a stroke and there is an iphone app called verbal victor that would be so helpful because he cannot speak but ipads are so expensive so I was looking for something cheaper.Any ideas?
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    Are cities required to carry insurance on their city vehicles?

    I was told that vehicles owned by a local city dont have to carry insurance on that vehicle.
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    What if I download a program from the Internet directly from the iPad...

    ...using Idownload ir idownloader apps? I have the aps Idownload, and also I downloader from apple app store. I am not so sure what I thoroughly understand how to use the app. I could Ouse the help on it, thanks.
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    How do I update software in my cell phone?

    I have the BackFlip and I need to update the softwear.Where do I go and how can I do that or how can I find ringtones that are saved but not in ringtones?
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    I have copd but am still smoking, will the dr be able to tell?

    I smoke off and on
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    help with the purchase of a new car?

    i travel 600 miles a week and i will need a new car. does anyone know of any good cars that will take this much travel and last for a while. I don't have a lot of money so please don recommend something expensive. thanks to all who help
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    What does this dream mean?

    Since past few weeks my dreams are quite weird. I see a big round black planet in the sky along with moon. The moon seems to be very small in front of it. And that planet is rotating and breaking up into many pieces and those pieces are falling on the earth and everybody is running here and...
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    What does this dream mean?

    Since past few weeks my dreams are quite weird. I see a big round black planet in the sky along with moon. The moon seems to be very small in front of it. And that planet is rotating and breaking up into many pieces and those pieces are falling on the earth and everybody is running here and...
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    What does this dream mean?

    Since past few weeks my dreams are quite weird. I see a big round black planet in the sky along with moon. The moon seems to be very small in front of it. And that planet is rotating and breaking up into many pieces and those pieces are falling on the earth and everybody is running here and...
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    19 for female clubs or lounges in NYC or NJ?

    Does anyone know about any good nightclubs or lounges in NYC or NJ??
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    How do i use windows messenger live 9.5 on the internet browser?

    please give the web aadress.
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    Red potato salad mix and dice all pickles and mayo,musty parsley Isomeone to help...

    ...finish this potato salad rec? help me finish this recipe.
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    when you go to the store that have sales and you shop for the bargain and find

    out that it just lots of taxes? Its make it look like the store giving you a sale to the customs but when all add up at the cashier and quantity they make you not getting a sale I just can not see that I am sold to be brought by a store sale can help me out on store sales I just so so sold out...
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    Is ageless love romantic and usual?

    Last week,I came across an online community for individual seeking age gap relationships. Here all the people are seeking age gap relationships. There are numerous sexy and charming woman and men. You can meet your like-minded friends or partners.
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    How can I contact someone who can help me with an internet problem?

    When I compost a message, my address book does not work.
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    Every day will the sun come up and why the sun go down, or the traveled around

    earth 2,000,000 time a day or m? The moon and the sun traveled around the earth 2,000,000 in 24-hours a day.
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    Perry Saturn DEATH??

    Some one told me today that two wrestlers died. Ii this true? Did Perry Saturn die? Did Rhino die? If they did would some one be so kind as to let me know>