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  1. K

    I have a BET Channel Movie Question?

    I saw a movie on BET channel awhile ago. A guy drove the car into water with him at the end of the movie after a police chase. I think it was due to drugs. I just wand to see if anyone knows the name of the movie.
  2. K

    Which DVD Player will play x264 files?

    Can anyone recommend a standalone dvd player than will play x264 files. I don't want to spend a fortune either.
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    Where can I, as an American, get One Piece: Unlimited Cruise? (possible... merchants?)? And the more important question is: can I even play it? I heard that something to do with region coding doesn't allow me to play it on my NA Wii :(
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    what are best hand-free mobile gadgets for your vehicle on the market?

    what are best hand-free mobile gadgets for your vehicle on the market?
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    jailbroken iphone 3gs updated newest version, stuck?! help!!!?

    My iPhone 3gs is jailbroken and i accidentaly updated it for the newest version in itunes. My iphone then restarted and then i can't use it anymore. It said that the sim card is unsupported and the screen on my iphone just shows connect iphone to itunes. HELP PLEASE?!?!?! and thanks in advance!
  6. K

    my ps3 gets hot on one vent?

    if my ps3 was to stand vertical it would be the top, and if i lay it down it would be the right side vent. *there the both same vent but just giving you a picture of which vent* and it only gets hot in that area...what is goin on? what should i do?...every where else is bearly warm
  7. K

    GPWS, passenger jets flying into mountains?

    In nowadays, almost every modern passenger jet is equipped with Ground Proximity Warning System. Accidents like jets crashed into mountain terrain still happen something. Does GPWS always give pilots sufficient time to increase the altitude of the aircraft before the moment of impact?
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    Do professors grade on a bell curve?

    Hello! I'm an incoming freshman attending UC Davis next fall. I've heard many rumors that professors here grade on a bell curve. Is that true? Is it really as bad as it sounds?
  9. K

    Do professors grade on a bell curve?

    Hello! I'm an incoming freshman attending UC Davis next fall. I've heard many rumors that professors here grade on a bell curve. Is that true? Is it really as bad as it sounds?
  10. K

    Does The Size Of The Rom Affect The Speed Of The Laptop?

    i am wondering if the size of the rom effects the speed of a cpu. ive heard that if you have a 100g hard drive, it becomes slower if you have it is 60g full. is this correct? does that mean if i have a 200g hard drive and it is 60g full, it will be the same speed as the 100g hard drive that is...
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    xbox 360 red rings of death question?

    now i just got the red rings and i need to buy a new 360 but i wanna keep my current hardrive if i take the original hardrive and put it on my 360 can the red rings somehow transfer to my new 360 through my hardrive??
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    at what age do red belly piranha breed?

    my 3 reds are 5". i was just curious at what size or age they breed or experiences that others have had
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    do you think MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighting should be legal in your city or state?

    and would you take a 15 yr old boy to watch it?
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    I just got a new computer and i hooked it up and turned it on and it just keeps

    turning itself on and off.? it will run for about 10 seconds and then turn off and then it will do it again
  15. K

    Can I develop apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch on a Windows.?

    Hey I am interested in developing apps for my iPod and I have a Windows can I do it?
  16. K

    i have a very nice computer and a very nice printer for sale $250 excellent

    condition anyone interested? HP photosmart 3310 all in one printer and a Gateway Computer Model # MX7515 this is real and is not a scam i just bought a new printer and computer yesterday. also listed in Craig's list Baltimore Maryland Originally paid $3500.00 for both i just want then to go to...
  17. K

    A car travels from one town to another at a speed of 32mph...?

    A car travels from one town to another at a speed of 32mph... if it had gone 4 mph faster, it could have made the trip in a half hour less time. how far apart are the towns?
  18. K

    Weird dream help!!!!?

    i had a dream a month ago that a astriod that came crashing down on earth, and that i died and out of no where, my spirit came out and i saw god telling me which planet i wanted to live in, and so i picked this cold planet, i don't know what exact planet i was in, but it was cold, well then god...
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    LG Envy and Custom Made MP3 Ringtones. Need Help Please.?

    My dad has a LG Envy. Well I did a song on my electronic synthesizer keyboard that he want's to use as his ringtone. Well I recorded myself playing the song on to my computer and saved it as a MP3 using EXPStudio 4.31. Well I then used a site called to make the MP3...
  20. K

    How can I put part of a MP3 as a ringtone on a cell phone?

    My dad wants me to find out how I can put part of a MP3 on a cell phone as a ring-tone. Reason is cause I played a song on my electronic synthesizer keyboard that he likes and wants me to put it into a MP3 and be able to put it on his cell phone as a ring-tone somehow. Well I know how to...