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    how do you fix break lights on a 2003 mustang if its not the bulb?

    my 2003 mustang that i just bought doesnt have break lights and i have no idea how to fix it because its not the bulb. i dont know which fuse it is because there isnt anything that shows the break lights and i ended up messing up the power locks and the windsheild wipers so i am really lost...
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    Why does my cat like to play with my hair?

    Whenever Im laying down, or resting he either licks, bites, or messes it with his paws. Is this normal cat behaviour.
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    Christians, are you prepared for the coming battle, the battle that has begun?

    "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."—2 Corinthians 4:4 "But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray...
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    Atheists, can you deny that Christ has made the biggest impact on History?

    As a single man. "Christ is the dividing line of human history, BC and AD-B.C. is an abbreviation for “Before Christ.” A.D. is an abbreviation for “anno Domini,” which is Latin for “in the year of our Lord.” I'm saying that not only has He changed the world and His followers, but even affected...
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    Christians, are you prepared for the coming battle, the battle that has begun?

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    Do prepaid verizon talk plans cover IN texting?

    I am considering a verizon prepaid account. But I wonder if I need the 69.99 plan or if I can just go with the $45 plan. All of my friends and family are on verizon as well, so IN texting would absolutely meet my needs.
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    Christians, will you take a look outside?

    And behold this day the Lord has made?
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    Would the Sims 3 work on my laptop?

    I'm planning on asking for the Sims 3 for christmas but I dont want to ask for it if it isn't going to work on my laptop. My laptop is pretty much brand new, it's an Acer Aspire and it has Windows 7 on it. I'm figuring that since the Sims 3 game is now about a year old and my laptop is very new...
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    sweaty hands and deodorant?

    ok so i bought the clinical strength sport deodorant for my underarms, and it works great, but i alsp have really sweaty hands(for no apparent reason) I have always had it as a kid, (there is no medical problem,) and i was desperate to stop it so I put not even a click of the deodorant on my...
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    Christians, in the past month, what is the most obvious act of?

    the devil that you have seen? Mine is the avocation online of abortion. "Be vigilant, for your adversary the devil roams about, seeking souls to devour" @Geeb, I meant pro-abortion websites...
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    Christians, in the past month, what is the most obvious act of?

    the devil that you have seen? Mine is the avocation online of abortion. "Be vigilant, for your adversary the devil roams about, seeking souls to devour" @Geeb, I meant pro-abortion websites...
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    What is your favorite Christian poem?

    Christ Love Heart beats young heart beats old with a love of Christ your heart beats bold. Be ye rich, be ye poor with a love of Christ you'll have so much more. The rain falls on just and unjust. But remember Christ rain settles the dust. Don't float listlessly on a sea of confusion, for a...
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    can bell's pausey be caused from delivery?

    after delivering a baby left side of face is numb and weakness in left arm
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    can bell's pausey be caused from delivery?

    after delivering a baby left side of face is numb and weakness in left arm
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    Does smoking weed make your heart race?

    just wondering and it might be bc i'm smaller. 20 year old 118 pounds...smoking makes my heart race when I get to high and than sometimes i get paranoid? I'm an occasional smoker is this normal?
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    What are some good Christian songs?

    What are some good Christian songs to raise my spirits, and expel the evil one, I heard that listening to worship music, while praying literally scares the evil one away.
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    I'm trying to download Rosetta Stone from a torrent... How do I do that?

    I downloaded one from and when I thought I downloaded it I don't think it worked. Then I read the readme file and it said "-- Install Rosetta Stone 3.4.5 -- Do not let the application run at the end of the install. -- Overwrite the original RosettaStoneVersion3.exe with the...
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    do abortion make you infertile or is that a rumor?

    they told a friend of mine at the clinic it would not make you infertile. that you can get pregnant immediately after too. whats the truth?
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    What is a good hard twilight quiz question?

    im doing a twilight MOVIE quiz, but i need to have a really hard question for the last one, do any people have ant idears, but for the MOVIE. thanks, and if so, please write the answer! :) cheers,
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    does lg versa require a data plan?

    I've heard mostly it does not need a data plan and i've heard it does a couple of times...can i have some clarification please? thank you