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  1. D

    Maintenance on a 1998 Ford ZX2.?

    What is involved in clutch maintenance on a 1998 ford ZX2 with 114,444 km? How much will I expect to pay in Cdn $?
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    Question about baking chicken! need answers quick lol?

    im going to bake chicken tonight for my pasta. i have about a pound of boneless skinless chicken breast. theres two pieces. what should i heat the oven to and how long should i bake for?
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    Randy Pausch?

    I heard this morning that Randy Pausch - Professor at Carnegie Melon U & famous for the "Last Lecture" has passed away. I got a lump in my throat & tear in my eye. Last Lecture was like nothing I had ever seen before. What an amazing individual - one the only comes along once in a blue moon...
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    Weight Loss - Healthy Lifestyle Help?

    I'm a (full-time) working mom of a 11 month old baby. Needless to say, I'm very busy & excercising doesn't really fall into my daily plan. I've started a simple change in my diet, by cutting out diet soda & switching completely to water (other than my morning 2-3 cups on coffee). Along with...