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  1. L

    what channel do they give Death Note and at what time/day?

    i have dish network/ viewsat(thats what the satelite is called) i i know that they give death not in adult swim in sunday 1-3 o'clock in the morning. does any1 have any idea if they give it in any other channel? if so what time and day?
  2. L

    what's your favorite MadTV moment?

    my faovrite was when a prinicipal had to observe the class and he acted like one of those kids. he said *couch*BITE ME*cough* and passed by a kid and pushed his binder off his desk.
  3. L

    how come i cant play games in my NO$GBA?

    i try to play the game called lumonous arc for ds and when i click on it it says "connot find catridge".its only playable with a white file that come with that rom.(when i open lumonous arc there a white file inside and it can only be playable by that instead of the actual rom).i need help.
  4. L

    wich No$GBA is best?

    is 2.6 better or 2.5(or is there another better). if its possible can you give me a link?