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  1. K

    Lactose in medication making it worse?

    My bf is lactose intolerant and it seems to be getting worse over the past few months (needing to take more Lactaid pills, etc.) He is also on Citalopram for depression, and I just found out that it contains lactose as a hidden ingredient. Could this be what's making him worse, since he's been...
  2. K

    What difficulties would be associated with mars/venus opposite ascendant?

    me: leo: mars/venus aquarius: ascendant. just wondering because im not entirely sure thanks you!!!
  3. K

    Whats your venus and moon sign? are you a player?

    or how are you in romance? i have venus in leo and i have many crushes and like attention! but my moon is scorpio so i love very deeply when there is that special someone tell me about you????
  4. K

    Trying to block poker website from gambling bf. How can I block using

    internet explorer? I went to tools -> internet options -> content -> content advisor -> enable -> 'never' for .... when I do that, it requires me to create a password. But once it's enabled, it blocks alll websites, not just the poker one. How do I make it so that just...
  5. K

    QUIZ! Is this okay?

    do u think its better to go for someone that likes you more, then you like them?
  6. K

    Venus in leo?

    both venus and mars are in LEO does that influence me at all? how?
  7. K

    what celebrity do i look like? pics?

    sorry i think u have to be loged into myspace to view the images wow rosey o donald? haha i dunno
  8. K

    who is the hottest female celebrity and why??

    I think jessica alba, miranda kerr, jennifer hawkins and cameron diaz are STUNNING!! what do u think??