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    How do i find my phone number on blackberry bold?

    I press the send key and at the top it says unknown , anybody know? thnx
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    Whatsapp and twitter apps on blackberry?

    Hi i have a blackberry and at the moment i can only use twitter and whatsapp connected to the wifi. When i top up and gain internet data, can i use this to use whatsapp and twitter when out and about or will it not work? If that doesn't work do i have to pay the 5 pound for...
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    Good longboard for cruising and sliding?

    Hi, I've gone longboarding with my friends and I'm starting to really enjoy it. Problem is I broke my arm about 5 weeks ago and its still in the process of healing. I havent started to slide yet and i will just cruise until my arm heals. My friends suggest I should get the Switchblade 36 by...
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    Bike crankset is clicking when pedaling?

    So I just got a fixie, and I already had to replace the crankset but I got that some out of town cause I don't have a bike shop here, but now the new one is clicking when I pedal hard or resist on them to slow down, and I can't take it to the bike shop out of town, but I heard it could be a...
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    What are some good game apps for android?

    I'm just looking for some good apps for gaming on an android. I already have SAS 3, Dead Trigger, and GTA III. I was wondering anyone had any suggestions for games that are similar in the way that they are high end, not games like Angry Birds that are low graphics, low interaction. Preferably...
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    How to use a bluetooth headset as a microphone for windows 7?

    I have a usb Bluetooth module and a Jabra Bluetooth headset made for cellphones and I want to use the Jabra as a microphone. The Jabra headset has a microphone in it and I paired it with my Bluetooth adapter or module but I don't know how to make it a mic for my computer. Any ideas?
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    if i use a aux to usb and want to use a usb bluetooth dongle will it work?

    i want to make my radio bluetooth and i found a cheap usb bluetooth dongle so if i buy a aux to usb female converter would it work if not what would make it?
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    would those cheap usb bluetooth connectors for a computer work for a radio?

    if i plugged one into the usb part of my car radio would it become bluetooth enabled to play music over bluetooth?
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    Do you like or support Roger Goodell? Why?

    Just explain things he may have done to change your opinion about him. Say anything.
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    Blue Ray Player on the PlayStation 3?

    Ok, I am new to the PlayStation. Now, is the Blue Ray player the thing that makes the games WORK/RUN on the system or is it just for the movies? Ok, so it for sure is only for dvd movies? All I want to do is play video games on it. I'm also trying to make a purchase on craigslist that says the...
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    So I'm getting my internet tomorrow and I was just wondering what are some old 360 games people still play sadly the only 2 I have that are online enabled are halo wars and the outfit so if you know some old cheap games that are still played on help me out thanks
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    How much to get a Blue Ray player fixed on a PlayStation 3?

    Before I can make a certain purchase for about $45, I am just curious on how much it is to get the blue ray player fixed in a PS3?
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    This anime mad me so sad at the ending :C can someone cheer me up?

    Ok so i finished watching Sword Art Online: DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ENDING SPOILED *****SPOILER ALERT******I feel as though the anime did not end as i actually wanted to, as though nothing really does.I was broken at the fact that the ending was just after Kirito and Sugu danced...
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    2003 gt or lexus??????

    I might get my first car pretty soon... Not sure... It will be my first vehicle... But im stuck between 03 gt and an 03 lexus... Both are fairly new... But i mean gas style etc? What would you get?? Pic:
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    High school fitness center/weight room?

    My high school has a fitness center/weight room below the gym that is open to students from 2:45 to 4:15 every day. I am thinking about going there to use it because I want to build some muscle to get stronger and look better. I emailed the athletic secretary for our school a few questions...
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    What are martial arts supposed to look like in a real fight?

    I noticed when someone practices a certain style of martial art, it seems to display a certain identity of the style of the art during training or hitting pads. For example, when you see karatekas doing katas or hung gar swinging their arms, you can identify the style or tell if they are really...
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    Should I hike Mount Hood?

    I am 14 and I got into hiking a year ago, I hiked Mount Elbert easily, but now I want to do something a little more challenging. I heard Mount Hood was a good mountain to hike, but I don't want to go up there and realize I under estimated the mountain. Even though I'm 14, I'm in great physical...
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    What are some good workout routines for meeting the Bar Brothers requirements?

    Looking for links on Workout Routines (not) diets
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    My iPhone has somehow locked so the screen will not rotate.?

    Phone screen stays oriented up and down, when rotated 90 degrees it does not orient side to side. There is also a little symbol up top with a lock with a circular arrow around it. I think it is locked and I can't figure out how to unlock it. Can anyone help?
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    How fast will a iPhone 5 come when I order it from T-mobile?

    I wanted to get the phone from T-Mobile because of a good package i saw and i wanted to know how long it would take before it would arrive as i don't have a phone and it is realy annoying me right now !!