Search results

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    Rock Trivia Question?

    Which rock icon’s first significant other was named after items that may be found in small barrels in the delis of New York City? Give me both names please.
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    Is enhanced google voice search only on Android 4.1?

    I'm on 4.0.3 (ice cream sandwich) -- HTC evo v 4g. I just watched the "random" podcast with kevin rose tonight and was sooooooo wanted to try what he demo'd as the ultimate Siri-killer search from google. I'm able to speak into google and get a results page but here's what I'm *really* talking...
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    Could the frame of my car been damaged in this picture?

    right above the wheel area*
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    Nutrition Class Question. I'm not sure what he's asking.?

    One day you may devour a dozen doughnuts at midnight and sleep through your morning workout - tipping the scales toward weight gain. Another day you may snack on veggies and train for this weekend's 10K race - shifting the balance toward weight loss. Your body weight - especially as it relates...
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    An interesting history topic?

    For a final project in my world history class, we get to research an event/topic in world history and do a report on it, say a video documentary or make a tangible item. This is due in a week and I haven't decided on my topic yet. The history project has to be post 1800's and I don't want to do...
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    WHAT DOES iView 103DV All Region USB MPEG-4 DivX AVI WMA MP3 Slim DVD Player...

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    I am a female,5'0& 120lbs and Im looking for a sport bike motorcycle for... size..which is best? Hi ! Im and 18 year old girl who has had the dream to ride a motorcycle someday. Not really looking for a Harley but a sports bike. I will be in Hawaii this summer and im looking to learn how to ride there but i am not sure what bike is right for
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    Ares Spyware. I CAN'T DELETE IT. HELP?

    I have Windows Vista. I downloaded (about a year ago) Ares lite. It is still lurking and occasionally running and thus slowing down my computer. I have searched for ways to delete and none have worked. I went to Ares website and tried all 3 ways to delete it and none worked. I can't even find it...
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    Piano - Recommended Books for Newbie Wanting to Take up Piano?

    Good Day, Just today I bought a Yamaha P-95B digital piano bundle (comes with headphones, pedal, seat and table).... and now I need books or tutorials to practice on (even online is fine). I know I have to get an instructor... but I was thinking I'll lose nothing asking for recommendations...
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    Help!! Discuss the universal language of accounting?

    Discuss the universal language of accounting.
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    Nathanael West's use of humor in Miss Lonelyhearts?

    I am having trouble identifying his use of humor in Miss Lonelyhearts.
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    Physical traits of Marilyn Bell?

    I am doing a biography on Marilyn Bell but I can't seem to find 5 physical traits about her. I need them for this biography. And it is Do very soon! Please help! Thanks, :)
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    How to resolve distortion issues regarding a Samsung camcorder and a Mac computer?

    I have a Samsung HMX-H100NM camcorder and a MacBook Pro. After multiple school projects and a couple home videos, I became sick of the distorted videos. I shot the videos with these two settings: 1) standard definition and 2) fine. The playback on the camcorder is fine, but on the computer, they...
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    Getting WAAYY too much sleep paralysis?

    Ok everytime i sleep since monday i keep getting sleep paralysis!!! i have to get out of bed and drink somthing then go back to bed to not get it again but then if i wake up and go back to bed i get it again.... What helps get rid of this??? i used to get it every week but now im getting it...
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    weird, freaky, creepy scary dream!!!?

    Ok so i was dreaming and i was in the bathroom (i have a bathroom with doors on both sides) and i was looking at my self through the mirror to see if i have black heads and i went real close to the mirror then i saw my self walk through the bathroom looking at me with a weird O_O face and it...
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    Regarding sex before marriage?

    Is there anything wrong in my line of thinking? No sex before marriage is the most ridiculous 'value' idealistic girls still hold on to today. There is absolutely no single good reason for doing it other than the silly idea that it shows some sort of 'commitment' and allows time for people to...
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    My chihuahua ran away, is she in the limbo?

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    any good games like spec trek on the android? :D?

    I love the game spec trek because it makes me get out and get going and i LOVE how it works and i love it coz i feel like a ghost tracker :P ... is there any games like spec trek u know of?
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    Jailbreaking Iphone 4g?

    I am suppose to get my new Iphone 4G this week i have been following the dev team blog but sometimes it kinda confusing i understand there suppose to come out with a new update to supposely fix some of the antenna problems on itunes im wondering if the iphone jailbreak will be for the version...
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    What's the book where a woman visions after head injury?

    I read this awhile ago and now I can't remember a title or author. I remember the injury happened before the book starts and the woman is self concious about her scarred bald head. Her boyfriend is a cop and she helps solve a kidnapping. Sound familiar to anyone?