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    is the eagles 27 year old rookie going to start when 29 ?

    a 29 yr old guy making his first start....yay...he seems on track to do so...and the o line is in shambles....c'mon fat andy...we expect better from you...Go Eagles...btw i am talking about danny watkins
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    Christian ringtones/ringback?

    I have verizon cell and im looking for a song called "beautiful things" by Gungor or different artist even.....yet cant find a ringback website for this only has mp3 set and not a you know a site to look at ?
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    Is it normal to discuss these things during an affair, or does it mean more?

    As you all know, my husband had an affair with the same woman for almost 2 years and he doesn't know that I know. But after the last time they got together and had sex, in emails he started to illustrate to her what our kids are like, their personalities, how we raise them - and mentioned that...
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    I don't understand GM's Large SUV marketing plans..?

    First off, lemme start off by saying I own an 09 H2 Hummer, and a 03 Chevrolet Tahoe, so I'm not some dumbass environmentalist Now, what I don't understand is GM's positioning of the Chevy line They have the escalade, which is focused at luxery The GMC line which is quite refined and the...
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    Mitsubishi 3000GT vs Mazda RX7 vs Nissan 300ZX?

    I'm in the UK, I have about £5000 to spend, and I want to buy a nice fun car, something fast that handles well. Based on some research, I've found the following: 1. Mitsubishi 3000GT twin turbo 2. Mazda RX7 3. Nissan 300ZX twin turbo They all seem to be very similar in price and performance...
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    What make & model is the car in the picture?

    The silver sports car in this picture What is it?
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    Who do you think the most attractive rapper is(no homo)?

    WHo do you think it the sexiest rapper?No homo i think tupac was a handsome guy if i was a girl i would of tried to sleep with him.I repeat no homo i am not gay just asking
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    Even though the '96-'99 audi a4s are known to have problems, would it be worth

    it to consider buying one? I am looking foR a decent used caR under 5k, and the a4 has been suggested to me. However, in Reading aRound I've found that they have the potential to have a lot of pRoblems. Is it possible to get an a4 that won't have these pRoblems? How do I know if the caR I'm...
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    Which race whines more about racism?

    What should they do instead of whining?
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    What is wrong with me!!! What should i do?!?

    Yesterday, I started getting sick. I had body aches (like those you have from the flu), I had a sharp pain in my ear whenever I bit down, I just felt plain crummy. That day, I took 2 nyquil and dayquil capsules at their appropriate times. Today, the pain in my ear was gone but I still had...
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    How can I stop the"shoppers results" that keeps popping up?

    Almost every time I go to a website ex. google, yahoo, youtube, etc. a pop-up called shoppers results appears on the left hand side of my computer. I checked for some kind of "go away" button somewhere on it but all it has is a snooze and a close option. the snooze makes it so it doesn't show...
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    what is your zombie plan?

    Since zobies are slow, I'm going to take them out one by one with my granpa's chainsaw. If theres too many, I'll infect myself and see how long i can controll myself and take out as many zombies as possible
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    I have the Nokia 6300...????

    I am a boy and I have the sliver and black one. Do you think it is girly?
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    Should I sell my samsung behold?

    Hi, yesterday I had my behold in my pocket, all I did was walk around and now it's got two scratches right in the middle of the screen. It's not the scratches that make me want to sell it, it's the fact that justg having it in my pocket and so I'm wondering how long this phone is going to last...
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    What does "250 WiFi minutes per month" mean on an internet contract?

    It's on the features list. Doesn't WiFi mean wireless internet? If I have a wireless router, I can use it as much as I want, right? What's the 250 minute limit for? (I'm shopping for broadband for home) You have to pay to use wireless internet in cafes??
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    Do you have to pay to use internet "Hot Spots"? Where and how do you pay?

    So if a restaurant or cafe has wireless internet access, do I have to pay to use it? How does the payment work?
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    Can you burn Blue ray files on a normal dvd and play them onto a blue ray player?

    Baiscally i have some Blue ray files on my pc and was wondering if there is anyway to burn the files onto normal blank dvd's and play them on my dvd player, or would i need blue ray blank discs,
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    Mac help. Burning ISO to dvd?

    Mac users: I've put a dvd-r into my drive and opened disk utility, but can't find any way to burn my ISO file onto the dvd. I try clicking the "Burn" icon at the top, which opens a window that asks me to select a file to burn, but once I open the ISO file, it says that it cannot read the file...
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    What's the process of buying a used car in the UK?

    If I'm buying a car from someone who's selling, what is the process of payment and converting ownership? Do I have to pay the insurance and road tax before I can drive the car?
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    What is the difference between a MP3 player and an ipod?

    would you please share the difference between these two music wise ?.....what does one do verses the other one ?